/ Union Profiles / Case: Technical Career Institutes, Inc. (TCI) (02-RD-157453)
Case: Technical Career Institutes, Inc. (TCI) (02-RD-157453)
Case Details
Case Name: Technical Career Institutes, Inc. (TCI) Case Location: New York, NY Date Filed: August 5th, 2015 Status: Closed Date Closed: September 24th, 2015 Reason Closed: Certific. of Representative Employees: 152 Employees in Unit: Included: TCI is a two year degree granting technical institution located in New York City. Our unit companies: faculty members (full time and adjunct) tutors, technicians, and maintenance
Technical Career Institutes, Inc. (TCI)
New York, NY
10001 Phone: (212)594-4000
Clifton, Budd & DeMaria, LLP
Legal Representative
The Empire State Building
350 Fifth Avenue, 61st Floor
New York, NY
10118 Phone: (212)687-7410
Levy Ratner, P.C.
Legal Representative
80 8th Avenue
8th Floor
New York, NY
10011-7175 Phone: (212)627-8100
Levy Ratner, P.C.
Legal Representative
80 Eighth Ave FL 8
New York, NY
10011 Phone: (212)627-8100