/ Union Profiles / Case: The Lakes at Litchfield (10-RD-183232)
Case: The Lakes at Litchfield (10-RD-183232)
Case Details
Case Name: The Lakes at Litchfield Case Location: Pawleys Island, SC Date Filed: August 31st, 2016 Status: Open - Blocked Employees: 113 Employees in Unit: Included: Full time, part time housekeepers, laundry workers, dietary workers, activit
Excluded: Professional employees, guards, and supervisors
Additional Service
The Lakes at Litchfield, LLC
Pawleys Island, SC
29585-9001 Phone: (843)235-9393
Burdzinski & Partners, Inc.
Legal Representative
2393 Hickory Bark Dr.
Dayton, OH
Burdzinski & Partners, Inc.
Legal Representative
2393 Hickory Bark Dr.
Dayton, OH
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
Legal Representative
The Ogletree Building, 300 North Main Street, Suite 500
Greenville, SC
29601-0275 Phone: (864)271-1300
United Steelworkers
Legal Representative
60 Boulevard of the Allies, Room 807
Pittsburgh, PA
15222-1209 Phone: (412)562-2413