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Union Facts

Case: Centers for New Horizons, Inc. (13-RD-166970)

Case Details

Case Name: Centers for New Horizons, Inc.
Case Location: Chicago, IL
Date Filed: January 4th, 2016
Status: Closed
Date Closed: January 15th, 2016
Reason Closed: Withdrawal Non-adjusted
Employees: 90
Employees in Unit: Included: All full-time and regular part-time pre-K teachers, teachers, family support specialists, prevention coordinator teachers, pre-K teacher assistants, teacher assistants, health aides, cooks, cook assistants and receptionists employed by the Employer at its facilities currently located at 4301 S. Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, IL, 3901 S. State Street, Chicago, IL and 941 E. 132nd St.., Chicago, IL. Excluded: All other employees, maintenance employees, janitorial employees, coordinators, office clerical employees and guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.


Centers for New Horizons


Chicago, IL 60653
Phone: (773)373-5700

Service Employees International Union Healthcare Illinois/Indiana


Chicago, IL 60607-3290
