Leaders, Employees, and Salaries
Name | Title | Gross Salary | Benefits & Other Compensation | Total Compensation |
MICHAEL KEERAN | PRESIDENT / BUS AGENT | $94,500 | $14,009 | $108,509 |
MICHAEL MALICOAT | BUSINESS AGENT | $69,350 | $14,998 | $84,348 |
CHEYENNE KEITH | TRUSTEE | $62,500 | $12,996 | $75,496 |
DIANE ROTHEN | SEC-TREASURER | $57,400 | $1,501 | $58,901 |
JESSICA JOHNSON | TITAN OPERATOR | $35,466 | $343 | $35,809 |
TONI KOETTING | VICE PRESIDENT | $4,550 | $29 | $4,579 |
MICHAEL WOOD | RECORDING SECRETARY | $4,550 | $0 | $4,550 |
ALAN ZIMMERMAN | TRUSTEE | $4,225 | $0 | $4,225 |
RAY HANSULD | TRUSTEE | $4,225 | $0 | $4,225 |
| | $975 | $0 | $975 |
Source: LM forms filed with the Office of Labor-Management Standards.
This information is a public record, which can also be found on www.UnionReports.gov, which is a government-run website.