Leaders, Employees, and Salaries
Name | Title | Gross Salary | Benefits & Other Compensation | Total Compensation |
THOMAS RITTER | PRESIDENT | $91,491 | $37,667 | $129,158 |
JERRY SIMS | SECRETARY/TREASURER | $98,068 | $22,989 | $121,057 |
BRAD TAURMAN | ASST BUSINESS AGENT | $77,061 | $9,037 | $86,098 |
DEBBIE MOOREMAN | RECORDING SEC/BOOKKEEPER | $71,934 | $5,542 | $77,476 |
TIFFANY WAGNER | TITAN OPERATOR | $63,962 | $0 | $63,962 |
BRENDA OTT | TULSA BRANCH AGENT | $60,520 | $2,488 | $63,008 |
WILLIAM FEATHERS | TRUSTEE/BUSINESS AGENT | $43,384 | $1,658 | $45,042 |
| | $8,992 | $0 | $8,992 |
FREDY AGUILAR | TRUSTEE | $5,800 | $0 | $5,800 |
JOHN RICKETTS | VICE PRESIDENT | $4,800 | $0 | $4,800 |
SHAWN NELSON | TRUSTEE | $4,800 | $0 | $4,800 |
Source: LM forms filed with the Office of Labor-Management Standards.
This information is a public record, which can also be found on www.UnionReports.gov, which is a government-run website.