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Union Facts


Receipts for: Barkan Meizlish Derose Wentz

  • Type: Law Firm
  • Location: 4200 REGENT STREET, SUITE 2
    COLUMBUS, OH 43219
  • Total Received from Teamsters: $192,382.00

Itemized Disbursements

The Department of Labor requires unions to itemize any payment over $5,000.

March 29th, 2021FEB-21 IBT AIRLINE DIVISION$16,729
April 5th, 2021SEP-20 IBT/AIRLINE DIVISION EX$37,743
May 3rd, 2021MAR-21 AIRLINE DIVISION$6,552
June 1st, 2021APR-21 IBT AIRLINE DIVISION$11,884
August 23rd, 2021JUN-21 IBT AIRLINE DIV - GEN$15,862
September 27th, 2021JUL-21 IBT AIRLINE DIV - GEN$17,933
October 4th, 2021AUG-21 IBT AIRLINE DIV - GEN$12,262
November 4th, 2021SEPT-21 ACSA-IBT + CWA$30,220
November 22nd, 2021OCT-21 IBT AIRLINE DIV EXP$37,781

Source: LM forms filed with the Office of Labor-Management Standards. This information is a public record, which can also be found on, which is a government-run website.