United Auto Workers
Unfair Labor Practice Charges: 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access
Case Number | Case Name | Allegation |
01-CB-011143 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
01-CB-078583 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Region 9A (Goddard College Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
01-CB-088945 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Region 9A (First Student) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
01-CB-115751 | UAW Local 2322 / Region 9A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
01-CB-124961 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 376 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
01-CB-183617 | INTERNATIONAL UNION UNITED AUTOMOBILE AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 2322 (Servicenet, Inc) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-020146 | United Auto Workers Union, Local 259 (BMW of Manhattan, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-022113 | The Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, UAW 2325 (AFL-CIO) (The Legal Aid Society) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-022216 | UAW Local 2110, AFL-CIO (Village Voice) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-022528 | Local 2179, UAW (The Strand Book Store) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-022529 | Local 2179, UAW (The Strand Book Store) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-022530 | Local 2179, UAW (The Strand Book Store) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-070346 | UAW, Local 2110 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-079891 | LOCAL 2179 UAW- (St. Johns Associates) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-083752 | LEGAL SERVICES STAFF ASSOCIATION, UAW, LOCAL 2320 (LEGAL SERVICES NYC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-085909 | TECHNICAL, OFFICE & PROFESSIONAL UNION, LOCAL 2110, UAW, AFL-CIO (Technical Career Institute) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-101334 | LOCAL 7902, ACT-UAW (NEW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-105615 | UAW LOCAL 2320, NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF LEGAL SERVICES WORKERS (HOUSING COURT ANSWERS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-108832 | NOLSW/UAW LOCAL 2320 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-115137 | LOCAL 2179 UAW AFL-CIO (CONTENT CRITICAL) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-129051 | NOLSW/UAW LOCAL 2320 (Legal Services for the Hudson Valley) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
02-CB-174189 | United Auto Workers Union, Local 2110 (Barnard College) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008313 | UAW, Local 624 (New Venture Gear) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008315 | UAW Local 624 (New Venture Gear) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008358 | United Auto Workers, local 55 (Visteon Climate Control System, LTD) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008371 | United Auto Workers, Local 686 (Viking LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008384 | United Auto Workers, Local 55 (Visteon Climate Control Systems, LTD) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008395 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1097 (Delphi Energ | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008403 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 2243 (Orion Bus In | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008451 | United Auto Workers of America, Local 624 (Daimler Chrysler New Process Gear, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008457 | Local 465 United Auto Workers (General Mortors Powertrain Massena Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008527 | United Auto Workers, Local 1097 (Delphi Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008548 | UAW, Int'l (Delphi Automotive Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008568 | United Auto Workers, Local 1097 (Delphi Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008859 | UAW, Local 465 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008870 | United Auto Workers, Local 897 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008891 | UAW Local 338 (SKF North America Aeroengine) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008913 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (SKF | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008928 | United Auto Workers, Local 686 (Delphi Harrison Thermal Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008944 | United Auto Workers, Local 686 (Delphi Thermal Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-008965 | United Auto Workers, Local 686 (Delphi Thermal Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009003 | United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 624 (Magna International, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009013 | Local 624, UAW (Magna Powertrain) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009018 | UAW, Local 624 (Magna Power Train USA, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009027 | UAW, Local 686 (Delphi Thermal Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009029 | United Auto Workers International Union (Magna Power Trains) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009030 | United Auto Workers, Local 624 (Magna Power Train) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009067 | UAW Local 897 (Ford Motor Company/Ford Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009174 | United Auto Workers, Unit 1 Local 686 (GM Holding Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009199 | United Auto Workers- UAW Local 1097 (Delphi/ GM General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009200 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Del | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009210 | United Auto Workers, UAW Local 1097 (Delphi/GM - General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009215 | UAW Local 2300 (Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (Tcat)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009225 | Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers (UAW) (Schweizer Aircraft) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009227 | UAW Local 686 (Delphi) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009240 | UAW International Union (Sikorsky Helicpter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-009255 | UAW International Union (Sikorsky Helicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-064653 | United Auto Workers Local 1097 (General Motors Components Holdings, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-065957 | UAW, Local 624 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-066244 | UAW, Local 2149 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-066296 | UAW, Local 624 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-067122 | UAW Local 1097 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-070447 | UAW, Local 2149 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-072340 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace,and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (General Motors Holdings, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-082886 | United Auto Workers Union (General Motors GM Components) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-090676 | United Auto Workers Region 9 (MAGNA POWER TRAIN, NEW PROCESS GEAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-091456 | United Auto Workers, Local 1097 (GM Components Holdings) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-099057 | United Auto Workers, Local 897 (Ford Motor Company-Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-106939 | United Auto Workers, Local 1416 - Region #9 (American Precision Industries, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-116272 | United Auto Workers, Local 774 (General Motors Powertrain) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-123593 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 897 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-126284 | United Auto Workers Local 1097 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-128780 | United Auto Workers (General Motors Components Holdings, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-132161 | United Auto Workers (General Motor Component Holding, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-134844 | UAW, Local 686 (General Motors Components) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-149940 | United Automobile Workers Local 1097 (General Motors Rochester Operations) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-153977 | UAW Local 774 (GENERAL MOTORS LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-155064 | UAW Local 55 (Rays Laks Honda) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-159539 | UAW Local 774 (Robinson Solutions) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-162314 | UAW Region 9 (Tulip Plastics Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
03-CB-178369 | UAW, Local 1097 (GM Components Holdings LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-009613 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agrucultural Implement Workers of America Local 1612 (Freedom Inter | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-009614 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 1612 (Freedom Inter | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-009871 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America AFl- | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-010565 | United Auto Workers of America Local 644 (Pottstown Plating Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-061658 | United Auto Workers Local 435 General Motors | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-064909 | UAW International Union (G.M., LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-064954 | UAW International Union (General Motors, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-065886 | UAW Local 435 (G.M. LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-073919 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (SPD ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-079784 | United Auto Workers (DANA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-097155 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1612 (Bridon American Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-104909 | UAW LOCAL 8888 (TROPICANA CASINO AND RESORT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-118079 | United Auto Workers Local 3170 (Caesars Atlantic City) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-146062 | UAW Local 1069 (Boeing Rotorcraft Systems, a division of the Boeing Company | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-149267 | UAW Local 1069 (The Boeing Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-157242 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW) Local 677 (Mack Trucks, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-162724 | UAW Local 435 (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-176291 | National Organization of Legal Services Workers, UAW Local 2320, AFL-CIO (South Jersey Legal Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-180568 | United Auto Workers Local 677 (Mack Trucks) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-184854 | United Auto Workers (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-184858 | United Auto Workers (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-185111 | United Auto Workers (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
04-CB-187123 | UAW Local 435 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
05-CB-010464 | United Auto Workers Local 1590 (General Motors Service and Parts Operations) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
05-CB-011030 | United Auto Workers Local 239 (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
05-CB-062253 | United Auto Workers, Local 171 (Mack Volvo) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
05-CB-092581 | United Auto Workers, Local 1338 (Cytec Engineered Materials) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
05-CB-103955 | United Auto Workers, Local 171 (Mack Trucks Incorporated) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-011200 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-011214 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local Union No. 78 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-011322 | United Auto Workers of America, Local 5301, AFL-CIO (AK Steel Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-011432 | United Auto Workers International (AK Steel Butler Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-011614 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerispace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-011667 | United Auto Workers Local 578 (Oshkosh Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-011671 | United Auto Workers Local 72 (Chrysler Kenosha Engine Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
06-CB-142488 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Region 9, AFL-CIO (Cemex USA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-013871 | Local 869 Int'l Union UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014136 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 869 (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014176 | Local 900, UAW (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014356 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 869 (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014389 | Local 284, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014426 | UAW Local 36 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014452 | Local 412 UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014459 | Local 652, Int'l Union UAW (GM-Lansing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014465 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 7 (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014473 | Local 909 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014494 | Local 1700 & 372 Int'l Union UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014502 | Local 155 UAW (Wolverine Die Cast) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014525 | Local 163 UAW (Axle Alliance Co. LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014532 | Local 594 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014548 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 1264 (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014554 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014560 | Int'l Union UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014566 | Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014583 | UAW Local 140 (DaimlerChrysler Warren Truck Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014595 | Local 909 UAW (G.M. Powertrain Warren) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014631 | Local 174, International Union UAW (Moeller Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014645 | Local 140, UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp. (Warren Truck Plant)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014655 | Local 22 UAW (General MOtors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014666 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 931(Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014686 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 869 (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014706 | Local 7777 UAW (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014711 | UAW (Moeller Mfg. Co. Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014716 | Int'l Union UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014726 | Local 36 UAW (Metaldyne) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014738 | Local 174 Int'l Union UAW (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014781 | Local 155, UAW (Maylo Plastics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014790 | Local 2304, UAW (Autodie International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014801 | Local 387 Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014814 | Local 155 UAW (Global Titanium, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014854 | Local 1972, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014858 | Local 1972, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014866 | UAW, Local 174 (Tower Automtoive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014883 | Local 849 UAW (Visteon) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014935 | Local 262 UAW (American Axle) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014948 | Local 653 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014952 | Local 372 UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014960 | Local 2093, UAW (American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014980 | Local 889 & Int'l Union UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-014990 | Local 1966 & Int'l Union UAW (Eaton Aeroquip) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015005 | Local 160 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015006 | Local 1210, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015015 | Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015025 | Local 1666, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015030 | Local 9699, UAW (Tenneco Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015038 | Local 900 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015050 | Local 2093, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015060 | Local 163 & Int'l Union UAW (Detroit Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015080 | Local 235 UAW (American Axle) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015108 | Local 1264 Int'l Union UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015110 | Local 2417, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015157 | Local 2344, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015177 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, AFL-CI | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015190 | Local 594 UAW Int'l Union, Reg. 1 (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015195 | Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015225 | Local 7777 UAW (MGM Grand) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015249 | Local 3000 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015260 | Local 735 & Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015269 | Local 36 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015305 | Local 600 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015313 | Local 163 UAW (Detroit Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015320 | Local 155 UAW (James Steel & Tube) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015323 | Local 602 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015348 | Local 245 UAW , Reg. 1A & Int'l Union UAW (Troy Design & Mfg.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015354 | Local 369 UAW (TI Automotive Systems, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015355 | Local 245 Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015356 | Local 594 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015360 | Local 174, International Union, UAW (Formtech Industries f/k/a Metaldyne) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015374 | Local 157 UAW (Ryder Logstics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015376 | Local 637, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015377 | Local 1284 UAW (DaimlerChrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015378 | Local 771 UAW (Flex N Gate) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015381 | Local 600 UAW (Severstal North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015384 | Local 174 UAW Region 1A (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015393 | Local 475 UAW (Eaton Aeroquip) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015396 | Local 22 UAW & Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015398 | Local 2270, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015437 | Local 600 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015439 | Local 167, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015441 | Local 600 UAW (MIdwest Health Center, P.C.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015442 | Local 4911 UAW (Sparrow Health Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015444 | Local 155 UAW (Inalfa Roof Systems, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015508 | International Union UAW and its Local 653 (General Motors Service Parts) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015509 | Local 412, United Automobile, Aerospace, & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015518 | Local 2500 UAW (Wisconsin Physician Services) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015526 | Local 600 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015535 | Local 539, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015554 | Local 245 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015606 | Local 961 UAW (DaimlerChrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015608 | Local 163 UAW (Axle Alliance Co. LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015610 | Local 1781 UAW (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015615 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 653 (General Motors Service Parts) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015632 | Local 174 UAW (Brass Craft) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015633 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015637 | Local 602, International Union, UAW (General Motors Corporation-Lansing Delta Township Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015685 | Int'l Union UAW (MGM Grand Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015690 | Local 375, UAW, UAW Region 1, International Uaw, and UAW Constitution Appeals Committee (DaimlerChry | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015692 | UAW, Local 155 (Mayco Plastics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015700 | UAW Local 735 (Willow Run Powertrain General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015713 | UAW International, UAW Local 245 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015720 | Local 771 UAW (IAC Int'l Automotive Components,f/k/a Lear Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015737 | Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015751 | Local 412,Reg. 1 UAW, Kathi Wallace, Valeria Oates (United Way for Southeastern Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015776 | Local 174 UAW & Int'l Union(Moeller Mfg.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015779 | Local 235 UAW (American Axle & Mfg.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015784 | Region 1 Int'l Union UAW (GM-SPO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015788 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 212 (Thyssen Krupp Budd Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015800 | Local 167, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015824 | UAW & Int'l Executive Board Office of the Int'l Pres. UAW Local 235 (American Axle & Mfg. Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015841 | Local 412 UAW (Chrysler corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015864 | Local 1781 UAW (Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015880 | Reg. 1A UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015881 | Local 113, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015909 | Local 600, International Union, UAW (Ford Motor Company-Brownstown PRC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015914 | Local 2393, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015933 | Region 1A UAW & Local 174 (Grupo Automotive Systems, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015973 | Local 113, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015976 | Local 602, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015991 | Local 600 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-015995 | Local 113, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016030 | Local 174 UAW (Penske Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016043 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016052 | Local 2393, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016085 | Local 600 UAW Severstal Steel Unit (Severstal) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016101 | Local 140 UAW (Chrysler Warren Truck) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016110 | Local 163 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016120 | Local 2344, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016143 | Local 412 UAW (Chrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016147 | Local 163, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016152 | Local 699 UAW (Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016161 | Local 235 UAW (American Axle & Mfg. Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016163 | Region 1A Int'l Union UAW (Global Engine Mfg. Alliance(GEMA)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016168 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricutlural Implement Workers of Am | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016169 | Local 412, Unit 67, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Wor | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016170 | Local 594, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016171 | Local 163, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016176 | Local 1402, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016178 | Local 889 UAW (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016182 | Local 600 UAW (Severstal) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016185 | Local 163 UAW (General Motors Powertrain) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016189 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016190 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016191 | Local 412 UAW (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016192 | Local 400 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016195 | Local 3000 UAW-UAW National Ford Dept. (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016196 | Local 7777, International Union, UAW (Greektown Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016200 | Local 140 UAW (Chrylser, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016201 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016203 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016204 | Local 3000, International Union, United Automoible, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016208 | Local 653 Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016219 | Local 174 & Local 659, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricutural Implement W | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016220 | Local 174 & Local 659, International Union, United Automotive, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016221 | Local 600 & Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement W | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016222 | Local 600 & Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement W | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016224 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016234 | UAW Region 1D (Means Industries Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016237 | United Auto Workers Region 1A (Global Engine Mfg. Alliance(GEMA)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016241 | Local 771 UAW (W- Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016247 | Reg. 1 UAW Int'l Union (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016253 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 600 (Severstal North America, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016254 | Local 600 UAW (Severstal North America, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016255 | Local 889 UAW (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016267 | Local 1248, Region 1 and International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultual Implement | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016271 | Local 174 UAW (Detroit Industrial Warehousing LLC fka Detroiot Electro Coating) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016282 | Local 19, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (Bente | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016288 | Local 7777 & Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016291 | Local 7777 UAW (Greektown Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016292 | Local 19, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Uni | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016293 | Local 659 UAW (Android Industries-Flint) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016298 | Local 51, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Am | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016304 | Local 659, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016305 | Local 412, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016312 | Local 1264, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016316 | Local 22 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016317 | Local 600 UAW (Express Scripts, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016323 | Local 155, International Union, Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016325 | Local 653, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016326 | Local 113, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016330 | Local 174 UAW (Commercial Steel Treating Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016331 | Local 387 UAW (Ford Motor Co.-Woodhaven) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016332 | Local 174 UAW (Commercial Steel Treating Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016334 | Local 412, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016341 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016348 | Local 174, International Union, United Automotive, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016350 | Local 659, International Union, United Automotive, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016357 | UAW Reg. 1A, Bob Spindelman/Mike Thornton (Global Engine Mfg. Alliance) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016358 | Local 155 and Reg. 1 UAW (Integrated Manufacturing & Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016360 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016361 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016362 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016363 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016364 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016365 | Int'l Union UAW (General lMOtors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016366 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of Amer | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016367 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016374 | Local 1700, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016377 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016379 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016382 | Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016387 | Local 412 UAW (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016388 | Local 412 UAW (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016391 | Local 412 UAW (Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016393 | Local 2280 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016394 | Local 734 UAW (Midwest Bus Rebuilders) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016403 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016406 | Local 467 UAW & Committee Persons Mike Sangster & Kneco Uldah (TRW Integrated Chassis Systems, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016410 | Local 1292 UAW & Brian Kosbar & Matt Teachenor (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016412 | Local 235 Int'l Union UAW (American Axle) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016428 | Local 7777, UAW (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016434 | Local 235, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016445 | Local 1292 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016446 | Local 900 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016447 | Local 155 UAW (Form Tech Industries, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016450 | Local 659 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016454 | Local 235 UAW (American Axle & Mfg. Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016459 | Int'lj Union UAW and its Local 653 (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016463 | Int'lj Union UAW & its Local 163 (Detroit Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016464 | Local 1781 UAW (Blue Cross,Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016466 | Local 155 UAW (The Bing Group) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016469 | Local 900 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016473 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016478 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 900 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016494 | UAW Region 1C (Midwest Bus Rebuilders) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016495 | Local 412 UAW (36th District Court) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016496 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 174 (Grupo Antolin-Wayne) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016497 | Local 898, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016499 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016500 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Am | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016502 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Am | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016506 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016507 | Local 1972, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016513 | Local 653 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016515 | Reg 1. UAW (Integrated Mfg. & Assembly, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016525 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 7777 (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016526 | Local 651 UAW (Delphi World Headquarters) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016532 | Local 7 UAW (Chrsyler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016543 | United Auto Workers, Local 95 (Alcoa Wheel Products) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016547 | United Auto Workers Local 72 and Int'l Union UAW(Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016549 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016550 | American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO (Detroit 232 Office, | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016551 | Local 898 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016552 | Local 140 UAW (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016558 | Local 659 UAW, (Automotive Component Carrier, Penske Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016562 | UAW Region 1 (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016563 | UAW REG. 1A & Local 174 (US Park, Travel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016567 | Local 1666, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016571 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Am | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016572 | Local 228 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016577 | Local 602 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016586 | Local 387 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016587 | Local 155 UAW (Integrated Mfg. and Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016591 | Local 235 UAW (American Axle Mfg.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016596 | Local 2304, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016599 | Local 9699 UAW (Ryder Integrated Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016602 | Local 1264 UAW (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016614 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016618 | Local 600, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016622 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016630 | Local 1292 UAW Matt Teachenoe (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016632 | Local 600 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016635 | Local 1666, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016636 | Local 699 UAW (Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016638 | Region 1A UAW (Integrated Manufacturing & Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016642 | UAW Local 1548 (Cook Composites & Polymers) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016651 | Local 652 UAW (Ryder Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016652 | Local 160 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016653 | UAW Int'l Union and Local 155 AFL-CIO( Integrated Manufacturing & Assembly, LLC | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016656 | Local 889 Int'l Union UAW (Marriott Hotel-Renaissance Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016658 | Int'l Union UAW and its Local 900 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016663 | Local 2280 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016666 | Local 22 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016668 | Local 7777 UAW (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016670 | Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016672 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 174 (Chrome Craft of Flex-N-Gate) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016676 | Local 51 UAW (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016679 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016681 | Local 42, Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), AFL-CIO (Local 163, Interna | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016684 | Local 600, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016689 | Local 512 OPEIU (UAW-Chrysler NTC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016703 | UAW 1472 (Vollrath LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016711 | Local 900 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016713 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016716 | Local 245, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016717 | Local 5960, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016721 | Local 735 Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016724 | Local 889 UAW (Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016727 | Int'l Union UAW (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016729 | Int'l Union UAW (Lear Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016733 | Local 2280 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016736 | Local 600 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016737 | Local 600 Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016738 | Local 600 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016742 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America and it | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016744 | Local 22, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of Amer | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016745 | Local 723, International Union, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Imp | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016748 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016754 | Local 140 UAW (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016760 | Local 19, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Uni | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016761 | Local 1703, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Internationa | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016764 | Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016768 | Local 400 UAW (Bridgewater Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016773 | Local 594, International Union, United Automotive, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016777 | Local 659 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016783 | Local 1243, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016786 | Local 155 UAW (U.S. Mfg. Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016787 | Local 600 UAW (Severstal North America, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016790 | Local 723 UAW (Gerdau Mac Steel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016795 | Int'l Union UAW (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016796 | Int'l Union UAW and its Local 140 (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016800 | Local 1972, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016805 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016810 | Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016811 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016812 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016817 | Local 1433, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016818 | Local 7777 UAW (MGM Grand Casino Detroit) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016819 | Int'l Union UAW & Locall 174 (Commercial Steel Treating Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016822 | Local 900 Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016823 | Local 708 Int'l Union UAW (Premiere Packaging, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016827 | Local 771 Int'l Union UAW (W-Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016833 | Local l174 Int'l Union UAW (Ryder Integrated Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016835 | Local 1264 Int'l Uniono UAW (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016836 | Local 1433, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016838 | Local 771 UAW (American Red Cross) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016842 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016843 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 600 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016847 | Local 653 Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Service Parts) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016853 | Local 7777 UAW & Region 1 UAW (MGM Grand Casino Detroit) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016857 | Local 140 UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016865 | Int'l Union UAW and Its Local 22 (American Axle & Mfg.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016869 | Local 898 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016871 | Local 387 UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016873 | Local 734 UAW (NEAPCO Drivelines, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016876 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corporation, Delphi Saginaw Systems (Nexteer)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016881 | Local 1248 UAW (Chrysler Group) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016886 | Local 600 UAW and Region 1A UAW (JCIM, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016888 | Local 3000 UAW (Logistics Services) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016894 | Int'l Union UAW and its Region One (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016901 | Local 771 UAW (W Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016916 | Reg. 1A, UAW (Flex-N-Gate) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016920 | UAW and its Reg. 1A and Local 653 (General Motors Service Parts) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016922 | Local 651 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016923 | Int'l Union UAW (Johnson Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016927 | Local 174 Int'l Union UAW (Air Conditioning Prods.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016928 | Int'l Union UAW and Local 1700 (Caravan Knight Facilities) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016932 | Local 22 UAW (American Axle & Mfg.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016940 | Local 653 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016943 | Local 140 Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016945 | Local 369 UAW (TI Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016952 | Local 212(Region 1) UAW (The Crown Group) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016970 | Reg One UAW (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016971 | Int'l Union UAW & its Public Review Board (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016972 | Local 771 UAW (W. Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016973 | Local 735 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016974 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016978 | Local 8, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Unio | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016981 | Local 1264 UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016989 | Int'l Union UAW & Local 7777 (Greektown Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016991 | Reg 1 UAW (Faurecia) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016993 | Local 1770 Int'l Union UAW (Caravan Knight Facilities) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-016996 | Local 5960, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017000 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CI | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017003 | Local 174 UAW (Commercial Steel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017005 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017010 | Local 600 UAW (Severstal Dearborn, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017012 | Local 7 UAW (Chrysler Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017017 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017018 | Local 7777 UAW (MGM Grand Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017024 | Local 1264 UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017029 | Local 228 Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017035 | Local 412 Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Technology Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017039 | Local 659 Int'l Union UAW, AFL-CIO (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017041 | Local 372 UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017042 | Local 1264 UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC, Sterling Stamping) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017043 | Reg. One UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017044 | Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017045 | UAW Public Review Board (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017046 | Local 1781 UAW (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017047 | Local 2500 UAW (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017050 | UAW Local 113 (L-3 Communications Combat Propulsion Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017053 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017055 | Local 19, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Uni | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017056 | Local 113, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017057 | Local 2500 UAW (Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017062 | Reg. 1 UAW (Faurecia) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017064 | Local 167, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017065 | Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017067 | Local 155 UAW (Milton Mfg.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017071 | Local 3037, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017074 | Local 7777 UAW (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017078 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017080 | Local 212 UAW (Caravan Knight Facilities Mgt.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017085 | Int'l Union UAW and its local 5960(General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017106 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agriculatural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017109 | Region 1A UAW and Int'l Union (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017110 | Local 735 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017117 | Local 602 Int'l Union UAW (Lansing Delta Township Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017123 | Local 1700 UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017125 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017128 | Local 155 UAW (Inalfa Sunroofs) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017131 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Am | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017132 | Local 1264 UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017133 | United Auto Workers Public Review Board (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017134 | Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017135 | Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017136 | Int'l Union UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017139 | Local 1002, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017150 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017153 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017164 | Local 2280 Int'l Union UAW (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017169 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017170 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017172 | Local 602 Int'l Union UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017174 | Int'l Union UAW (Chryslerl Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017176 | Local 212 Int'l Union UAW (Caravanknight Facilities Mgt. LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017181 | Local 869 UAW (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017183 | Local 668 UAW (General Motors Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017185 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017187 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017188 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017190 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017191 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017192 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017195 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017196 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultrual Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017197 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017198 | Local 1972, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017204 | Local 167, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Un | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017207 | Local 777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017209 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017210 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017217 | Local 2280, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017218 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Am | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017220 | Region 1A, Local 600 and International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implemen | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017221 | Local 387, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017227 | Local 163, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017231 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017234 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017236 | Local 387, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017245 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017246 | Local 1781, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017263 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017280 | Local 777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), (Greektown Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017284 | Local 372, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017297 | Local 228, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017298 | Region 1-C, Local 602, Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017300 | Local 2500, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017302 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017304 | Local 372, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017306 | Local 900 and Region 1A, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implemen | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017312 | Local 909, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017315 | Region 1A, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017316 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017320 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-017323 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of A | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060285 | Local 174 UAW (ABC Mailing Service Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060334 | Local 600, UAW (Severstal International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060362 | Local 2145, UAW, AFL-CIO, CLC (BCBSM/BCN) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060463 | Local 167, UAW, AFL-CIO, CLC (North America Fuel Systems Remanufacturing, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060686 | Local 174, International Union, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060727 | Local 174, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060730 | Local 174 UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-060770 | Local 167, UAW, AFL-CIO (General Motors Components Holdings, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061072 | Local 155 UAW (Form Tech) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061085 | Local 155 UAW (Form Tech HHI) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061194 | UAW Solidarity House | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061211 | UAW Solidarity House | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061235 | Region 1 UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061313 | Local 600 UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061378 | UAW Solidarity House (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061382 | UAW Solidarity House (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-061851 | Local 600, UAW (CEVA Logistics U.S., Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-062171 | Region 1, UAW (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-062221 | Local 600, International Union UAW (CEVA Logistics, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-062444 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America - 1D | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-062776 | Local 5960, UAW (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-063481 | Local 7, UAW (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-064963 | Local 889, UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC -MoPar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-065245 | Local 600 SMTC Unit | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-065973 | International Union, UAW and Local 7777 (Greektown Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-066686 | Local 2256 and its International Union UAW (Accident Fund Insurance Company of America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-066821 | International Union, UAW and its Local 155 (Integrated Manufacturing & Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-067062 | Local 7777, UAW (MGM Grand Detroit Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-067316 | Local 182, UAW (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-067810 | Local 400, UAW (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-068068 | Local 400, UAW, Michigan Proving Grounds (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-068222 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO and its Local 2304 (Autodie, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-068351 | International Union, UAW, AFL-CIO and its Local 1402 (Benteler Automotive Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-068629 | Local 889, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-068826 | Local 600 UAW (Severstal North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069042 | International Union, UAW and its Local 2304 (Autodie, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069275 | Local 600, UAW (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069458 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069533 | International Executive Board UAW Officers | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069583 | Local 600, International Union, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069666 | Local 961, UAW (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069771 | Local 699, UAW and Region 1D, UAW (Nexteer Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-069952 | Local 369, International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-070161 | International Union, UAW and its Local 771 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-070249 | Local 600 International Union UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-070455 | Local 22, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL–CIO, CLC (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-070515 | Local 228, UAW (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-071249 | International Union UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-071554 | Local 155 Intl Union UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-071576 | Local 228, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-071897 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (GM Service Parts Operations) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-071966 | Local 4911, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, AFL-CIO, CLC (Sparrow Health System) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-072223 | International Union UAW and its Local 1248 (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-072240 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Greektown Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-072283 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Service Parts Operations) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-072603 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (IAC Warren, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-072721 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Faurecia Seating) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-072777 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-073009 | Local 898, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-073651 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-073809 | Local 1781, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-074146 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-074559 | Local 412, Unit 10, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-074672 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Kerr Corporation/Metrex Research Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-074725 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America ( UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 1781 (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network of Michigan | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-074830 | Amalgamated Local No. 724, International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America ( UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-075007 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (SeverStal North America, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-075430 | Local 387, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Woodhaven Stamping) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-076017 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ryder Integrated Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-077479 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-077526 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7777 (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-077872 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-077886 | Local 2500, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-078480 | Local 155 UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-078634 | LOCAL 539, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA INTERNATIONAL UNION (UAW), AFL-CIO (CWC a Division of Textron, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-078735 | Local 228, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-078828 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO, and its Local 160 (Knight Facilities Management) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-079370 | Local 2145, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL–CIO (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-079897 | Local 160, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-079969 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Voith Industrial Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-079975 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-079978 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-080002 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-080369 | Local 412, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Dynamics Land System) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-080394 | International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 1700 (Caravan Knight Facilities) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-080453 | Local 7777, International Union,United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-080460 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-080880 | Local 160, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-080998 | Local 598, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-081032 | Local 9699, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Harbor Oaks Hospital; Pioneer Healthcare/Acadia Healthcare) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-081635 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-081879 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region 1 and Local 412, Unit 70 (Value Options) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-082391 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 1700 (Caravan-Knight Facility Management, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-082836 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 140 (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-082892 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7777 (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-083184 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 1268 (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-083607 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-084726 | Local 412, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Dynamics Land System) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-085512 | Local 892, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agriculturial Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Automotive Components Holding) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-085828 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7777 (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-086058 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-086469 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (CML Steel Treating) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-087246 | Region 1A, Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-087300 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (International Automotive Components (IAC)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-087485 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-088201 | Local 668 and Solidarity House, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-088500 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 1781 (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-088518 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-088716 | Local 869, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-089276 | International Union, Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL–CIO and its Local 892 (Ford Motor Company and its Successors Automotive Components Holdings, LLC, Visteon Corporation and Faurecia, Inc. | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-089649 | Region 1-D, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-089701 | International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-090401 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-090425 | Local 182, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-090644 | Local 4911, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Sparrow Health Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-091027 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Severstal Steel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-091065 | Local 9699, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Huron Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-092012 | Local 4911, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Sparrow Health Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-092031 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region 1 (Nor-Cote Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-092059 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-092067 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 140 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-092396 | Local 892, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Devon Facility Management (DFM)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-092436 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL- CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-092613 | Local 212, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-093300 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 389 (Fluid Routing Solutions) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-093507 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 602 (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-094181 | Local 3000, International Union, UAW (Logistics Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-094724 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-095498 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region 1 and Local 160 (General Motors LLC and QEK Global Solutions, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-095540 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 140 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-095817 | Local 2275, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Thomson Aerospace and Defense) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-095884 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 668, UAW (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-096034 | Local 651, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-096187 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Severstal International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-096442 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Johnson Controls, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-097744 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Voith Industrial Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-097966 | Local 892, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Automotive Components Holdings, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-098403 | Local 2256, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Accident Fund Insurance of America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-098829 | Local 160, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-098979 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-099249 | Local 412, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Dynamics Land Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-099581 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Tower Defense and Aerospace, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-099900 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-099904 | Local 140, INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-100004 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-100056 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-100520 | Local 777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-100570 | Local 228, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-100835 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-101148 | Region 1, Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-101371 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-101839 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 7777, (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-103107 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit Casino, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-103254 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-103673 | International Union,United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 892 (Automotive Components Holdings, LLC, a Ford Motor Holding Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-103927 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-104404 | Local 889, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Magellan Health) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-104432 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Commercial Steel Treating Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-104473 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Tower Defense and Aerospace, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-104735 | Local 22, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-105353 | Local 7777 International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America UAW AFL-CIO (Motor City Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-105980 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 889 (Ciena Healthcare Management d/b/a St. Anthony Healthcare Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-106133 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region1, Local 1264 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-106285 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-106920 | Local 602 International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America UAW AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-107204 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Tower Defense and Aerospace, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-107678 | Local 5960, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-108499 | Local 1700, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-108808 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-109581 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Commercial Steel Treating Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-109643 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its International Union (Ross Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-109766 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-109968 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110019 | Local 7 International Union UAW (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110026 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110051 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110128 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110143 | Local 4911, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and International Union (Sparrow Hospital) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110239 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110584 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110589 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110774 | Local 19, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Benteler Automotive Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-110992 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-111047 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-111197 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-111337 | Local 3000, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-111541 | Local 5960 International Union, United Automobile, Agricultural and Aerospace Implemention Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-111585 | Local 372, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-112099 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-112348 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-112525 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-112766 | Local 160, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-112956 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Dana Thermal Products) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-113206 | Local 777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-113572 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Moeller Manufacturing Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-113719 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Amalgamated Local 2500 (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-114060 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-114156 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-114226 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL- CIO and Local 155 (NJT Enterprises LLC d/b/a Mayco International LLC. ) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-114875 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (NJT Enterprises LLC d/b/a Mayco International LLC. ) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-115671 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-115796 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-115834 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 7 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116018 | Local 2017, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL-CIO (Federal Mogul Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116034 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116224 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Severstal NA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116441 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MotorCity Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116545 | Local 659, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Automotive Components Carriers) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116612 | Local 22, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116825 | Local 653, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-116884 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-117238 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors, Delta Township Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-117245 | Local 512, Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), AFL-CIO (UAW-Chrysler National Training Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-117420 | Local 2275, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Meggitt) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-117500 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand - Detroit) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-117677 | Local 723, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Neapco DriveLines, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-117854 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-117906 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Caravan Knight Facility Management) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-118276 | Local 1485, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Workers (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (Dematic Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-118332 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Integrated Manufacturing and Assembly, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-118335 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Integrated Manufacturing and Assembly, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-118741 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-119280 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-119488 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-119500 | Local 2500, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Blue Cross Blue Shield) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-119848 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-120144 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-121371 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and International Union (Ross Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-121417 | Local 412, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-121549 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Steel Technologies, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-121585 | Local 598, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (ARAMARK) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-121651 | Local 653, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Eurest Services) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-121724 | Local 651, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region 1C (General Motors Customer Care and Aftersales) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-122531 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Bridgewater Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-122540 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-122600 | Local 3000, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-122784 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO, and its Amalgamated Local 1781 (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-122888 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Howard Finishing, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-122985 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-123035 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-123113 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-123326 | Local 163, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Detroit Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-123448 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-123911 | Local 167, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Components Holdings, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-124141 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-124402 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-124914 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-125484 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-125773 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and International Union (Automotive Systems Group, LLC/Dana Holding Corporation/Dana Drive Shaft Manufacturing, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-125794 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and International Union (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-125856 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Automotive Systems Group, LLC/Dana Holding Corporation/Dana Drive Shaft Manufacturing, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-125869 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-125930 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-126033 | Local 4911, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Sparrow Health Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-126173 | Local 1485, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospce and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (Dematic Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-126745 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-126882 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-127406 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Sodecia) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-127483 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Android Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-127594 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-127629 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-127643 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-128182 | Local 155, International Unioon, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFl-CIO (Bosal Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-128220 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-128303 | Local 909, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-128326 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-128883 | Local 869, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-129293 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Bridgewater Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-129534 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 412 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-129539 | Local 659, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-130105 | Local 1819, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-130787 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region 1A (Detroit Manufacturing Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-131195 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-131292 | Local 1433, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) AFL-CIO (AAR Manufacturing, Inc. d/b/a AAR Mobility Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-131881 | Region 1A, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Plastomer Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-131884 | Region 1A, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Plastomer Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-131940 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Dean Foods-Country Fresh Dairy) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-132147 | Local 412, Unit 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-132166 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Health Alliance Plan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-132691 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 160 (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-133345 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-133426 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 600 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-133488 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and it Local 3000 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-133521 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Local 140 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-133685 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-134292 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-134409 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-134487 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-134500 | Local 9699, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (International Automotive Component (IAC)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-134958 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Caravan Knight Facilities Management, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-134983 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO, (Flex N Gate Royal Oak) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-135115 | Local 889, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-135454 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region 1A (Johnson Controls Injection Molding) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-135664 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MartinRea Fabco Hot Stamping) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-135891 | Local 1819, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136050 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136075 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Caravan FM and Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136285 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO, (Aramark) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136560 | Local 653, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America(UAW), AFL-CIO (Eurest Services) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136714 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and it Local 909 (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136882 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, its Region 1A, and Local 600 ( Henry Ford Health System) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136930 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural, Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, and its region 1A and Local 600 (Henry Ford Health System) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-136968 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, and Its Region and Its Local 600 (Henry Ford Health System) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-138305 | Local 653, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC, Customer Care & Aftersale) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-138457 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Caravan Knight Facilities Management) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-138513 | Local 412, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAM), AFL-CIO, (ValueOptions, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-138688 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-138704 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-139006 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-139029 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (AK Steel (f/k/a Severstal Steel)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-139495 | Local 373, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Metaldyne Litchfield Operations) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-139741 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (IAC Warren, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-139990 | Local 889, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-140085 | LOCAL 1700, INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC d/b/a Fiat Crysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-140311 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (CEVA Logistics U.S., Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-140397 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-140614 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Bridgewater Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-140930 | Local 1433, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) AFL-CIO (AAR Manufacturing, Inc. d/b/a AAR Mobility Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-141343 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-141427 | Local 1433, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) AFL-CIO (AAR Manufacturing, Inc. d/b/a AAR Mobility Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-141566 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (MGM Grand Detroit, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-142640 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (JCIM) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-142780 | Local 889, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-143276 | International UAW, and its Local 228 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-143684 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of American (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-143757 | Local 375, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-143798 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 869 (Chrysler Group LLC and Caravan Facilities Management) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-143957 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 659 (General Motors LLC Flint Engine Operation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-144077 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-144085 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7 (Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-144535 | Local 7 International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-145116 | Local 228, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-145530 | Local 22, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-146035 | Local 7777, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Greektown Casino) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-146187 | Local 598, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-147290 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (JCMI-Lansing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-148615 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US, LLC d/b/a Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-148983 | Local 212, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US, LLC d/b/a Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-149039 | Local 412- Unit 10, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US, LLC d/b/a Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-149926 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 771 (RIM Custom Racks) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-150266 | Local 2275, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Thomson A&D Meggitt Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-150384 | Local 1819, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-150934 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-150989 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US, LLC d/b/a Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-151059 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-151606 | Local 2280, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-151664 | Local 167, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Components Holdings, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-151699 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO ( Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-151898 | Region 1, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW and its Local 653 (General Motors/CCA Small Parts) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-152193 | Local 723, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (NEAPCO Drive Lines) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-152294 | UAW Local 400 (Johnson Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-152399 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-153020 | UAW and its Local 1264 (FCA USA (Chrysler)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-153354 | Local 2500, UAW (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-153579 | Local 600, UAW (JCIM) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-153799 | International UAW and its Local 412 (F.C.A. Fiat Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-154724 | Region 1A, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 174 (General Motors, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-154935 | Local 723, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Neapco Drivelines, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-154976 | Local 51, International Union, United Automotive, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automotive (FCA)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-155868 | UAW Local 898 (Ford Motor Co) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-156280 | Local 138 UAW, AFL-CIO (Hastings Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-156331 | Local 155, UAW (Integrated Manufacturing and Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-156996 | Local 699, UAW (NexTeer Automotive Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-157620 | Local 892, UAW (Faurecia) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-157894 | Local 600, International Union, UAW (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-158485 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-158542 | Local 7, UAW (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles - Jefferson North Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-158839 | Local 1264, Int'l Union, UAW (Fiat Chrysler Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-159079 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers (UAW), AFL-CIO (Integrated Manufacturing Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-159278 | UAW Local 160 (ARAMACK) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-159549 | Local 372, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-159731 | Region1 Local 155 UAW (Magna Seating Detroit) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-159775 | Local 600, UAW (CEVA Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-159948 | Local 7, UAW (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles--Jefferson North Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160080 | Local 7, International Union UAW (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160120 | Local 723, UAW, International Union (NEAPCO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160288 | Local 723, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Neapco) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160476 | Local 869, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160544 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160783 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (DMS- Detroit Manufacturing Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160926 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Bridgewater Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-160929 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) and its Local 600 (Health Alliance Plan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161073 | Local 723, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Neapco Drivelines) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161089 | Local 22, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161144 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO ( Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161160 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161332 | International Union, UAW UAW Region 1A UAW Local 245 (Ford Motor Company, New Product Development Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161354 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, and its Local 598 (GM Truck & Bus) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161436 | Local 22, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161458 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (U.S. Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161549 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automotive (FCA)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-161626 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automotive (FCA)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-162545 | Local 961, International Union UAW (ZF Marysville and FCA US, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-162591 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Integrity Lift Services LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-162609 | Local 160, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-162643 | Local 1753, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors CCA Lansing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-162902 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US, LLC d/b/a Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-163320 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), US, LLC d/b/a Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-163962 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 155 (Integrated Manufacturing & Assembly, LLC d/b/a IMA Detroit Foam) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-164055 | Local 3000, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-164388 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA Warren Truck Assembly | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-164399 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) US, LLC d/b/a Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-164482 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO ( Magna Services of America, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-164908 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA (US), LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-164970 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Region 1A (Eurest Services) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-165490 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Chrysler Sterling Stamping) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-166302 | Local 4911, International Union, United Automoble, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Sparrow Health Hospital) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-166482 | Local 598, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Aramark Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-167035 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW), and its Local 155 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-167928 | Local 1264, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168117 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW, AFL-CIO and its Local 1264 (FCA USA LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168173 | Local 869, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168358 | Local 699, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Nexteer Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168435 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168465 | Local 372, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168645 | Local 1753, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168719 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-168842 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169130 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7 (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169459 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (US Manufacturing, Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169540 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 21 (Cone Drive Operations, a/k/a Cone Drive Gearing Solutions) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169594 | Local 909, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169802 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169837 | Local 602, International Union, United Automotive, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169880 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169889 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-169945 | Local 3000, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and Region 1A (Ford Motor Company Flat Rock Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-170244 | Local 2270, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (Ventra Evart, LLC, a division of Flex-N-Gate Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-170742 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-170823 | Local 600, International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America UAW AFL-CIO (HydroChem LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-170855 | Local 5960, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-170859 | Local 2270, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (Ventra Evart, LLC, a division of Flex-N-Gate Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-170924 | Local 3000, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-171014 | Local 2500, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Blue Cross Blue Shield) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-171237 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 1264 (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-171809 | Local 1700, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Caravan Facilities Management) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-171953 | Local 1700, International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC d/b/a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-172241 | Local 900, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-172392 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Kerr Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-172407 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) (General Motors, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-172801 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Moeller Aerospace) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-172990 | Region 1 and Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-172994 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 600 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-173113 | Local 652, International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO(Ryder) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-173339 | Local 1781, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Blue Care Network/Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-173529 | Local 723, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Neapco) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-173635 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Detroit Manufacturing Systems, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-173653 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Detroit Manufacturing Systems, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-174293 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-174609 | Local 8, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL-CIO (Federal Mogul Piston Rings, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-174852 | Local 724, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Woodbridge Group) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-174923 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-174932 | Local 1402, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Benteler Aluminum Systems Michigan, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-175259 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-175421 | Local 372, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ryder) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-175440 | Local 699, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Nexteer Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-175548 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Bridgewater Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-175750 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-175782 | Local 135, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (American Seating Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-175990 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 7 (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-176018 | Local 2500, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Blue Cross Blue Shield) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-176187 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 160 (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-176535 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (J.C.I. Holdings/Yanfeng Automotive Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-177320 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Detroit Manufacturing Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-177328 | Local 2270, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (UAW), AFL-CIO, CLC (Ventra Evart, LLC, a division of Flex-N-Gate Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-177723 | Region 1, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO and its Local 155 (Magna Seating of Detroit) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-177734 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-178173 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Detroit Manufacturing Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-178202 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Yanfeng Johnson Controls America Seating, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-178222 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Yanfeng Automotive Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-178393 | Local 892, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Faurecia Interior Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-178864 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Yanfeng Automotive Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-179518 | Local 173, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Eftec North America LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-180091 | Local 44, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Mueller Brass Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-180496 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (GM Delta Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-180585 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Yanfeng Automotive Interiors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-180848 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Integrated Manufacturing and Assemble, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-180970 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-181376 | Local 174, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Eftec North America LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-181588 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-181632 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-181753 | Local 723, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Neapco Drivelines) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-181778 | Local 699, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Nexteer Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-181929 | Local 602, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-182098 | Local 1700, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-182164 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Detroit Manufacturing Systems, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-182351 | Local 155, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (U.S. Manufacturing Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-182477 | Local 7, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-182845 | Local 167, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Components Holdings, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-182915 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Comprehensive Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-183086 | Local 400, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Johnson Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-183513 | Local 1781, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (bLUE Cross Blue Sheild of Michigan) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-183947 | Region 1, Local 246, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Becton Dickinson) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-184143 | Local 182, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-184794 | Local 600, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-185567 | Local 22, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-185870 | Local 140, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-186261 | Local 167, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (General Motors Components Holdings, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-186842 | Local 771, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (National Bronze Manufacturing Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
07-CB-187037 | Local 653, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO (Gm Metal Fabrication) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-009499 | Jeep Unit Local 12, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-009600 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-009608 | Jeep Union Local 12, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-009616 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Loc | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-009637 | Jeep Unit Local 12, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-009643 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 12 (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010263 | UAW Region 2-B, Local 86 a/w United Automobile Workers (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010271 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010348 | UAW Local 12 (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010445 | UAW Local 425 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010488 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010519 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010544 | UAW Local 294 (Parker Hannifin Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010547 | UAW Local 70 a/w United Automobile Workers (ABB Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010549 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local No. 2000 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010631 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local 86 (Lear Corpor | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010642 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 420 (Ford Motor | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010655 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010668 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010671 | International Union United Automobile Workers, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010678 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010691 | International Longshoremen Association, Local 153, Toledo, Ohio (ADM Grain Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010710 | UAW Local 1834 (Esab Group Index) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010734 | International Union, United Auto, Aerospace and Agricultural Workers of America UAW, and its Local 7 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010742 | UAW Local 913 a/w United Auto Workers (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010747 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 913 (Lear Corporat | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010748 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, International Union, Loc | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010755 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local 70 (Cleve | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010757 | UAW Local 2000 a/w United Automobile Workers (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010758 | UAW Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010759 | UAW Local 2000 a/w United Automobile Workers (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010760 | UAW Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010761 | UAW Local 2000 a/w United Automobile Workers (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010762 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local 1250 (Ford | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010771 | UAW, Local 70; CTA Representatives Jacob Ingram and CTA Chairperson Laurie Peck (Composite Technolog | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010775 | UAW Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010783 | UAW Local 1181 (T.R.W. Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010786 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1435 (Daimler Chry | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010788 | UAW, Local 2075 (General Dynamics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010795 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010801 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union , Local | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010808 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Workers of America, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010817 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, Local | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010823 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, Local | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010824 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010827 | United Automobile Aerospace Agricultural Workers of America, UAW, Local 70 (Bettcher Amherst Metal S | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010836 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 420 (Ford Motor | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010837 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Ford Motor Company Walton | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010838 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, (UAW) Local 420 (Ford Moto | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010840 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Ford Motor Company Walton | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010849 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010851 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010852 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Loc | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010856 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Lo | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010870 | United Auto Workers Local 12 (Jeep Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010876 | UAW Local Union 122 a/w United Auto Workers (Daimler Chrysler Twinsburg Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010926 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 1224 (Daido M | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010952 | United Auto Workers, Local 2269 (Volvo Parts North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010957 | UAW Local No. 2359 a/w United Auto Workers (Selmer) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010967 | International Union, United Auto Workers (UAW) (Sears Holdings Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-010999 | United Auto Workers, Local 12 (Ohio Module Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011004 | UAW, Local 1005 a/w United Automobile Workers (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011007 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1435 (Chrysler Cor | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011011 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011012 | UAW, Local 1435 (Chrysler LLC, Toledo Machining Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011014 | UAW Local 12 (Chrysler/Jeep Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011026 | United Autoworkers Local 1112 (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011044 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011050 | Local 122, UAW (Chrysler Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011065 | United Automobile Workers, Local 122 (Chrysler Twinsburg Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011070 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011072 | UAW Local 1588 a/w United Auto Workers (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011073 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011074 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, (UAW), Local 1112 (General | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011075 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, (UAW), Local 1112 (General | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011076 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011082 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 1112 (General M | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011085 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011086 | United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local Union No. 12 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011087 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011089 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011091 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011095 | UAW, Local 12 (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011099 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011101 | UAW Local 1327 a/w United Automobile Workers (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011108 | United Automobile and Aerospace Workers, Region 2-B (Johnson Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011110 | United Auto Workers International Local 549 (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011112 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011113 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011115 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers (UAW), Local 1435 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011118 | International Region 2B UAW Local 86 a/w United Auto Workers (IALNA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011128 | United Auto Workers Local Union No. 70 (Flexible Material Handling) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011130 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, Loca | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011133 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011147 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011151 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011170 | United Auto Workers Union Local 12 (St. Vincent Mercy Health Partners) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011181 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011200 | UAW, Local 12 (Faurecia Interior Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011204 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, International Union, Loc | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011219 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultrual Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011243 | UAW, Local 549 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011259 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, (UAW), Local 1250 (Ford Mo | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011264 | UAW, Local 1939 (Kelsey Hayes TRW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011289 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011296 | UAW Local 573 (Chrysler Corporation Twinsburg Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011318 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011323 | UAW, Local 12 (Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011326 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Com | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011338 | United Automobile Workers of America, Local 420 (Ford Motor Company, Walton Hills Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011342 | U.A.W. Local #1834 (Esab Welding & Cutting Products) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011361 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011367 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011378 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011381 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1005 (General Moto | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011386 | United Auto Workers Local 70 (Falls Stamping & Welding) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011396 | United Auto Workers, Local 1219 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011399 | UAW Local 573 (Chrysler Corporation, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011402 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011405 | United Automobile, Aerospace, Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local 2262 (Eaton Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011412 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011414 | UAW Local 1765 (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011415 | United Auto Workers, Local 1216 (Automotive Component Holdings) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011418 | UAW Local 1765 (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011425 | UAW Local 70 (Joy Mining Machinery) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011429 | United Automobile Workers, Local 2322 (B. F. Goodwich, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011434 | United Auto Workers Local 1714 (General Motors Metal Fabrication Lordstown West) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011446 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-011455 | United Auto Workers Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company, Ohio Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-063198 | United Auto Workers Local 2000 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-065465 | United Auto Workers Local 4199 (Colfar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-065997 | International Union, United Automobile; UAW Reg 2-B; UAW Local 1250(Ford Motor Co. Ford Engine Plant #1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-068465 | UAW LOCAL 86 (International Automotives) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-068791 | UAW Local 2359 (Conn-Selmer) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-068877 | United Auto Workers (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-068880 | UAW Region 2-B (Sobel Corrugated Containers, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-069774 | UAW Local 4199 (American Axle Colfor) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-071688 | UAW Local 86 (International Automotives) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-072393 | United Auto Workers Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-074863 | UAW Local 573 (Chrysler Corporation, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-074923 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Ford Motor Company (Ford Engine Plant #1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-075175 | United Auto Workers, Region 2B (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-075718 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1005 (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-075725 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1005(General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-076314 | United Auto Workers Local 12 (Johnson Controls, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-076318 | UAW Local 1050 (Alcoa Aluminum) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-076384 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1250(Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-076471 | UAW Local 4199 (Colfor Manufacturing, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-076783 | UAW Local 856 (Lockheed Martin) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-077414 | UAW LOCAL 1250 (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-079850 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW) (FORD MOTOR COMPANY (FORD ENGINE PLANT #1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-082010 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) (Ford) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-082555 | UAW LOCAL 913 (INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-082881 | UAW (GENERAL MOTORS LORDSTOWN ASSEMBLY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-084743 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 12 (Johnson Controls Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-086182 | UAW LOCAL 573 (Chrysler LLC Mopar Parts Distribution Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-087642 | United Auto Workers (Cemex Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-088880 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 1435 (Chrysler Daimler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-089606 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 12 (JOHNSON CONTROLS INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-090536 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company - Ohio Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-090559 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company - Ohio Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-091161 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) LOCAL 2000 (FORD MOTOR COMPANY -OHIO ASSEMBLY PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-091415 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company Ohio Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-092026 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-093224 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America and its Local 2075 (UAW) (General Dynamics Land Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-096194 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-097163 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 1112 (General Motors - Lordstown) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-097325 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-097489 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 2901 (Kmart Distribution Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-098234 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) LOCAL 12 (LUCAS COUNTY AUDITOR AND ANITA LOPEZ AUDITOR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-099423 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 573 (Chrysler Parts Distribution Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-101933 | International Union of Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 2901 (K-Mart Distribution) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-105018 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local 1005 (Aramark) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-107103 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 4199 (American Axel Manufacturing d/b/a Colfor) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-107625 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA AND ITS LOCAL 12 (Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-109075 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) LOCAL 2000 (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-109304 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Local 1714 (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-110107 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) Region 2 (Knight Facilities Management) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-110135 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW, AFL-CIO (GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-110718 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 12 (Kuka Toledo Production Operations) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-111559 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW LOCAL 12 (Daimler Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-112949 | INTERNATIONAL UNION OF UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW LOCAL 1250 (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-114782 | United Auto Workers Local 1219 (Ford Motor Company, Lima Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-115115 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW), AFL-CIO (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-117714 | United Auto Workers Local 1219 (Ford Motor Co., Lima OH) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-118263 | United Auto Workers Local 1219 (Ford Motor Co., Lima OH) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-119961 | United Auto Workers, Local 2021 (Toledo Molding and Die) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-121428 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 420 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-123546 | United Auto Workers, Local 1219 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-124050 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 1219 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-124166 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-124930 | United Automobile Workers, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-125708 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 1250 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-126746 | Local 2000, International United Auto Workers (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-128026 | United Auomobile Workers, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-128620 | United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local 1435 (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-129421 | United Automobile Workers, Region 2B (Alcoa) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-130386 | United Auto Workers Local 856 (Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-130522 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, Local 12 (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-130919 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-131110 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 12 (Chrysler Transport) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-132826 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) LOCAL 1714 (GM Lordstown Metal Fabrication Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-133718 | United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local 1435 (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-133868 | Local 12, United Auto Workers (Chrysler Transport) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-133875 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company Engine Plant 1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-133886 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Region 2-B (Ford Motor Company Engine Plant 1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-134234 | United Automobile Workers, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-134316 | INTERNATIONAL UNION OF UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW LOCAL 1250 (Ford Motor Company Engine Plant 1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-134692 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1765 (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-134710 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 12 (Exel, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-135267 | United Auto Workers, Local 420 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-136663 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW), Local 91 (Ohio Crankshaft Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-136906 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-137282 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 1112 (General Motors Corporation (Lordstown Complex)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-137747 | United Automobile Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, International Union, AFL-CIO, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-138233 | United Automobile, Aerospace Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 1216 (Ventra Sandusky) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-138762 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace Workers, Local 1216 (Ventra Sandusky, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-139558 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company, Ohio Assembly Plant | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-139850 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-140221 | United Automobile Workers of America, Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company-Ohio Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-140886 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 2000 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-142435 | International Union, UAW (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-142436 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-142905 | United Auto Workers Local 1216 (Ventra) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-143143 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW), Local 211 (A. Schulman) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-143478 | UAW Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-144444 | United Automobile Workers Local 1112 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-146990 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, UAW, LOCAL 996 (Varbros, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-147094 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW), AFL-CIO (CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-147979 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, AFL-CIO, Local 913 (Kyklos Bearings International, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-149610 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-150278 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural and Implement Workers of America, Local 1216 (Ventra Sandusky LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-150820 | United Automobile, Aerospace Workers, Local 86 (International Automotive Components) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-151195 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW), AFL-CIO (FCA US LLC d/b/a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-151646 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 1714 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-151743 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company (Cleveland Engine Plant 1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-151834 | United Auto Workers of America, Local 86 (International Automotive Components (AC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-152025 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 12 (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-152508 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW LOCAL 70 (CRESCENT METAL) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-153128 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America- UAW Amalgamated Local 1435 (Chrysler LLC Toledo Machining Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-153257 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, AFL-CIO, Local 913 (Kyklos Bearing International, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-156174 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW, LOCAL 12 (Kern-Liebers, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-158365 | UAW LOCAL 2000 A/W UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKERS (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-159238 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local 1219 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-161252 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 573 (Chrysler Corporation Cleveland Parts Distribution Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-161782 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Region 2-B (FCA US LLC d/b/a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-162047 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Region 2B (FCA US LLC d/b/a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-162052 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), AFL-CIO, Local 12 (FCA US LLC d/b/a Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-162169 | United Automobile Workers Local 2259 (Volvo GM Heavy Truck Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-162238 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 12 (Conforming Matrix) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-162495 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 12 (Fiat Chrysler Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-162703 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-166687 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 1112 (Magna Seating of America, Inc. d/b/a Lordstown Seating Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-166838 | UAW Local 12 (FCA US) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-168518 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-171112 | United Automobile Workers Local 1216 (Ventra Plastics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-172821 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local 12 (Kuka Toledo Production Operations LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-172988 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 1112 (Magna Seating of America, Inc. d/b/a Lordstown Seating Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-173018 | UAW Local 1219 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-173181 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 1112 (Magna Seating of America, Inc. d/b/a Lordstown Seating Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-174843 | United Autoworkers, Local 12, Region 2-B | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-175630 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace & Agriculutral Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 1250 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-176612 | United Automobile Workers Local 14 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-178656 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW), Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-182709 | United Auto Workers, Local 1250 (Ford Motor Company, Plant 1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-183481 | UAW, Local 12 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-184096 | United Automobile Workers, Local 913 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-185681 | International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Workers of America ("UAW") and UAW Local 1112 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-185824 | United Auto Workers, Local 12 (Chrysler Toledo Assembly Complex) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-185835 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 12 (FCA - US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-185837 | United Autoworkers Local 12 Region 2-B(Chrysler-Toledo Assembly Complex) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-185842 | United Auto Workers Local 12 (Chrysler-Toledo Assembly Complex) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
08-CB-186885 | United Auto Workers, Local 573 (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011196 | UAW Local 1050 (Alcoa-Cleveland Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011346 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011398 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW LOCAL 12-REGION 2B (Dai | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011429 | UAW LOCAL 2332 (UBE Automotive North America LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011469 | UAW LOCAL 647 (General Electric, Aircraft Engine Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011474 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company, Kentucky Truck Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011486 | UAW LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company-Kentucky Trucking Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011493 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS (UAW) LOCAL 862 ( | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011502 | THE UAW LOCAL 2332 (UBE Automotive North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011515 | HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LOCAL 181 (Levys Premium Food Service) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011587 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Co | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011588 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011589 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011623 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 1040, UAW (Apex Co | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011666 | INTERNATIOINAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULATURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, U | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011669 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 43 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011672 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW, LOCAL UNION NO. 69 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011690 | UAW, LOCAL 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011720 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 863 BATAVIA (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011734 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011735 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011947 | United Auto Workers 862 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011951 | UAW Local 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-011988 | United Auto Workers, Local 863 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012014 | UAW Local 1772 (Kuhlman Electric) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012027 | UAW Local 1772 (Kuhlman Electric) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012053 | UAW Local 1772 (Kuhlman Electric) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012070 | United Auto Workers, Local 1772 (Kuhlman Electric) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012117 | Teamsters Local 651 (Yellow Freight) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012123 | UAW Local 43-7 (Lear Seating) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012137 | UAW Local 647 (G.E.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012174 | UAW International Union (Dana Holding Corp) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012193 | L.I.U.N.A. Local 576 (Wilhelm Const. Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012196 | United Auto Workers Local 863 (Batavia Transmission LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012201 | Sheetmetal Workers Local 110 (Vendome Copper and Brass Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012204 | Teamsters Local 783 (Mother's Cookies, A Division of Kellogg's Snacks) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012219 | United Auto Workers Local Union No. 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012244 | Teamsters Local 783 (Kellogg) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012250 | Teamsters Local 651 (Interstate Brands Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012256 | UAW LOCAL 1772 (Kuhlman Electric) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012277 | Teamsters Local 783 (Mother's Cookies, A Division of Kellogg's Snacks) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012282 | Teamsters Local 783 (Dean's Food) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012307 | Teamsters Local 783 (Mother's Cookies, a Division of Kellogg's Snacks) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012312 | International Unon, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers, UAW, Local 2309 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012334 | United Auto Workers, Local 696 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012335 | United Auto Workers (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012352 | Teamsters Local 783 (Kelloggs) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012369 | Stage Hands Union Local 17 (West Breck Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012376 | United Automobile Workers Local 862 (Premier Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012439 | Plumbers & Pipefitters Local No. 452 (No Employer) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012455 | Jackie Gray, Director of Union Services and Small Crafts KYOWVA Area Local #1488 American Postal Wor | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012464 | UAW Local 863 (Devon Facility Management) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012472 | UAW Local 3064 (Dana Light Axle Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-012487 | United Auto Workers, Local 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-062283 | UAW, LOCAL UNION NO. 696 (Delphi Chasis) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-064757 | IUE-CWA LOCAL 83761 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-068814 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS, LOCAL 674 (GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-073826 | UAW LOCAL 862 (Voith Industrial Mfg., Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-075505 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL UNION 862, AFL-CIO (Voith Industrial Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-076514 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-087224 | UAW LOCAL 3064 (Dana Holding Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-088497 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-090960 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 862, AFL-CIO (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-091937 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL UNION 3064 (Dana Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-092360 | UAW LOCAL 863(Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-092367 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UAW(Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-098002 | UAW LOCAL 3058 (Dana Holding Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-100200 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 696, UAW (GMSPO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-100216 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW (GMSPO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-100234 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW) (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-102217 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA LOCAL 1040 (Apex Tool Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-107905 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Ford) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-110137 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 647 (General Electric) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-110644 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UWA), LOCAL 402 (International Harvester (Navistar) Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-119307 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 1588 (Central Aluminum Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-119315 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 1588 (Central Aluminum Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-119321 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 128 (Hobart) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-121695 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 862 (Ford) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-125612 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 3058 AND UNITED AUTO WORKERS, REGION 8 (Dakota Integrated Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-126890 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS UNION, LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company, Louisville Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-127097 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, LOCAL 862 (Voith Industrial Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-130074 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 862 (Voith industrial Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-130627 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 862 (Voith Industrial Services, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-139570 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-141428 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW), AFL-CIO, LOCAL 863 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-145036 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-148676 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW) LOCAL UNION 3064 (Dana Holding Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-148682 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL UNION 862 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-149733 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-155275 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, (UAW), LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company, Louisville Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-161731 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 862 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-162570 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 862, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Ford Motor Company, Kentucky Truck Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-163387 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 402, AFL-CIO, (UAW) (Navistar International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-163396 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 862, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Ford Motor Company Louisville Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-163417 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 402, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Navistar International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-163446 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 402, AFL-CIO, (UAW) (Navistar International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-166945 | UAW, LOCAL 402 (Navistar International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-166955 | UAW, LOCAL 402 (Navistar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-166957 | UAW, LOCAL 402 (Navistar International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-176148 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEORSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL INPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, (UAW), LOCAL 402 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-177472 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURE IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, (UAW) LOCAL 2383 (Martinea Heavy Stamping) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-178366 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 2383 (Martinrea Heavy Metal Stamping) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
09-CB-181738 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO (UAW), LOCAL 2383 (Martinrea Heavy Stamping) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008631 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers (UAW), Local Unio | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008673 | United Auto Workers Local 882 (Ford HVC, Atlanta High Velocity Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008686 | United Auto Workers (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008687 | UAW, Local 882 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008688 | UAW Local 882 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008705 | UAW Local 1413 (Continental Automotive, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008762 | United Auto Workers Local 10 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008766 | UAW Local 2195 (Delphi Saginaw Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008807 | UAW Local 2195 (Delphi Saginaw Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008887 | UAW, Local 1155 (Alabama Aircraft Industries, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-008954 | UAW Local 10 (Daimler Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-009000 | United Automobile Workers, Local 10 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-009218 | UAW Local 472 (Woodbridge Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-009226 | UAW Local 472 (Woodbridge Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-009230 | United Auto Workers (Johnson Controls, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-060001 | UAW Local 472 (Woodbridge Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-070548 | UAW Region 8 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-070837 | UAW LOCAL 868 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-073363 | UAW Region 8 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-073775 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 2083, Unit 2 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-088904 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 5287 (Thomas Built Bus) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-089711 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-095727 | UAW LOCAL 868 (CHRYSLER / FIAT | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-097429 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 3520 (FREIGHTLINER LLC DAIMLER TRUCKS NORTH AMERICA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-099706 | UAW International and/or, Locals 602 and/or 1853(GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-101310 | UAW, LOCAL 5285(DAIMLER TRUCKS OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-108305 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS UNION INTERNATIONAL(CHRYSLER / FIAT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-111963 | United Auto Workers Local 1853 (General Motors, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-112097 | United Auto Workers Local 882 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-114186 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-115643 | UAW, LOCAL 5285 (DAIMLER TRUCKS OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-117850 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 5287 (THOMAS BUILT BUSES) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-118591 | United Auto Workers Local 1617 (Lear Seating Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-126250 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKERS, LOCAL 5287 (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-127779 | United Auto Workers, Local 5285(Daimler Trucks of North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-131072 | United Automobile Workers of America Local 5286 (Daimler Trucks, N.A.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-132511 | UAW Local 2069 (Volvo Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-134848 | United Auto Workers Local 1853 (General Motors, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-137573 | United Automobile Workers Local 5285 (Freightliner, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-137833 | United Auto Workers Local 1853(General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-138156 | United Auto Workers Union Local 2609 (Volvo Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-140210 | UAW, Local 2083, UNIT 2 (Faurecia Automotive Seating) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-140581 | United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Daimler Truck North America (Cleveland North Carolina Facility)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-145327 | United Auto Workers, Local 5286 (Daimler Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-148114 | UAW Local 2164 (General Motors LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-150959 | United Auto Workers Local 2154 (General Motors Bowling Green Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-151638 | United Auto Workers Local 3151 (Wolverine Advanced Materials, a/k/a Wolverine Gasket) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-153251 | United Auto Workers, Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-154846 | UAW Local 5286 (Daimler Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-155655 | UAW Local 3520 (Freightliner) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-156059 | United Auto Workers Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-157893 | United Auto Workers Local 3520 (Daimler Truck North America, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-158068 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 5285 (Daimler Trucks of North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-158075 | UAW Local 3520 (Freightliner Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-158688 | UAW Local 3520 (Freightliner Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-160954 | United Auto Workers Local 1853(General Motors, LLC Spring Hill Assembly) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-165248 | United Auto Workers Local 5287 (Thomas Buiilt Buses, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-165263 | United Autoworkers Local 868 (FCA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-165839 | United Auto Workers Local 868 (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-166621 | United Auto Workers Local 868 (FCA US LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-168931 | United Auto Workers, Local 5286 (Daimler Truck North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-172849 | United Auto Workers Local 5285 (Freightliner) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-173639 | United Auto Workers, Local 2083 (Yanfeng Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-175679 | United Auto Workers, Local 3520 (Daimler Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-177781 | United Auto Workers, Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
10-CB-180069 | UAW Local 868 (Fiat/Chrysler Automobile) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-003874 | UAW Local 3520 (Freightliner LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-003888 | International Union, United Auto Workers and UAW, Local 3520 (Freightliner, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-003936 | Untied Auto Workers, Local 2404 (Ryder Integrated Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-003940 | UAW International Union, Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-003944 | United Autoworkers Union, Local 5287 (Thomas Built Bus) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-003995 | International Union, UAW and UAW Local 5285 (Daimler Trucks of North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-003998 | U.A.W., Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004092 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, & Agricultural Implement Workers of America-UAW ( | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004098 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America - UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004101 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America - UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004102 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, & Agricultural Implement Workers of America-UAW` | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004107 | United Auto Workers, Local 2404 (Kimco) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004117 | International Union, UAW (Freightliner LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004136 | UAW, Local 2404 (Ryder) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004169 | United Auto Workers, Local 2069 (Volvo Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004172 | UAW International Union, Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004177 | United Auto Workers, Local 5286 (Daimler Trucks North America, Gastonia Component and Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004186 | United Auto Workers, Local 5286 (Daimler Components and Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004188 | United Automobile Workers of America, Local 5286 (Daimler Trucks North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004224 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Thomas Built Buses, Inc. | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004227 | UAW Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004236 | UAW Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004266 | United Auto Workers International Union (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-004279 | UAW, Local 5287 (Thomas Built Buses) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-061207 | United Auto Workers, Local 2069 (Volvo New River Valley) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-066975 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW) LOCAL 2069 (VOLVO TRUCKS OF NORTH AMERICA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-067238 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW) LOCAL 2069 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-067834 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS OF AMERICA (UAW) LOCAL 2069 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-071859 | UAW, LOCAL 2404 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-074131 | INTERNATIONAL UNION UAW LOCAL 3520 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
11-CB-074594 | INTERNATIONAL UNITED AUTO WORKERS (UAW) (VOLVO TRUCKS NORTH AMERICA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
12-CB-005898 | United Auto Workers, Local 1522 (Kaman Dayron, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
12-CB-006310 | United Auto Workers Local 1649 (Ryder) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
12-CB-122841 | UAW Local 298 (Raytheon) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
12-CB-126951 | United Auto Workers (UAW) Amalgamated Local 2278 (Broward Teachers Union) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
12-CB-160877 | United Auto Workers, Local 1850 (UAW) (Asociacion de Empleados del ELA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
12-CB-160882 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (Asociacion Empleados del ELA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
12-CB-175271 | United Auto Workers ( Jose Santiago) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-018322 | International UAW, Region 4 (Plastech Chicago) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-018324 | International UAW, Region 4 (Plastech Chicago) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-018333 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-018501 | United Automobile Workers Union, UAW Region 4 (Quality Industrial Service) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-018521 | United Automobile Workers Union, UAW Region 4 (Plastech Chicago) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-018545 | UAW, Local 719 (Electro Motive Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-018789 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019022 | UAW Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019035 | UAW Local 6, Unit 1 Bargaining Committee (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019067 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019273 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019642 | United Auto Workers International Union Local 694 (Electromotive Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019649 | United Auto Workers Local 588 (Ford Motor Company Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019656 | UAW Local Union 3212 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019657 | UAW Region 4 and Local Union 3212 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019658 | UAW Region 4 and Local Union 3213 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019661 | UAW Local 3212 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019662 | UAW Local 3212 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019675 | UAW Region 4 and Local Union 3212 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-019699 | UAW Local 145 (Caterpillar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-062162 | USW Local 694 (Electromotive Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-064317 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-066853 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-069812 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-071090 | UAW Local 2335 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-072120 | UAW Local 2335 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-072327 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-073412 | UAW Local 2335 (LEAR CORPORATION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-073794 | UAW Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-075629 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-082102 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-082444 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-082550 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-085083 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (UAW) LOCAL 2335 (LEAR CORPORATION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-087201 | UAW LOCAL 2335 (LEAR CORPORATION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-088118 | UAW Local 551 (Voith Industrial Services) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-090595 | UAW Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-092691 | UAW LOCAL 2335 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-092739 | UAW Local 145 (American Autoworks) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-095309 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-097171 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-097211 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-098286 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-099318 | United Auto Workers Local 6 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-100062 | UAW Local 2335 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-101871 | UAW Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-102896 | UAW Local 6 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-103195 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-103313 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-105367 | UAW Local 551(Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-106737 | UAW Local 3212 (ZF Lemforder,LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-107498 | United Auto Workers Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel,Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-110071 | UAW Local 2335 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-113403 | U.A.W. Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-116858 | UAW-Region 1 (Navistar International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-117044 | UAW International Union (FORD MOTOR COMPANY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-117789 | UAW Local 551 (Ford) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-117951 | United Auto Workers Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-122693 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-123171 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-123214 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-123270 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-123472 | UAW Local 2335 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-124249 | UAW, Local 2335 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-129568 | United Auto Workers, Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-131413 | USA International Union (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-132771 | United Auto Workers Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-132870 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-133909 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Chicago Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-136787 | UAW Local 3212 (Tower International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-136952 | United Auto Workers Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-141727 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-142230 | UAW International Headquarters c/o UAW Local 551 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-144559 | UAW Local 588 Unit 6 (SET Enterprises) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-147498 | United Auto Workers Local 890 (Xylem Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-147715 | United Auto Workers, Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-148942 | UAW Local 588 & UAW International Union (Ford Motor Company Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-149069 | UAW International Headquarters c/o UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-149787 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-154781 | UAW, Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-157838 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 3212 (ZF Chassis Systems Chicago, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-158956 | United Auto Workers Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-159056 | United Autoworkers, Local 3212 (ZF Chassis) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-159473 | UAW Local 3212 (Tower International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-161051 | United Autoworkers International (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-161835 | UAW Local 551, Region 4 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-165532 | UAW Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-167305 | UAW Local 3212 (ZF Chassis Systems Chicago) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-167573 | United Human Service Workers, UAW Local 2320 (Heartland Alliance) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-169163 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 3212 (ZF Chassis Systems Chicago, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-170616 | Amalgamated UAW Local 145 (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-174123 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 3212 (Tower Automotive) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-174899 | United Auto Workers, Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-178086 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-179728 | United Autoworkers Local 551, Illinois Region 4, National (Ford Motor Company, Chicago Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-185102 | United Auto Workers Local 3212 (ZF) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-185833 | UAW Local 551 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-186041 | United Auto Workers, Local 719 (Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc., a division of Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-186503 | UAW Local 3212 (Dakota Integrated Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
13-CB-186725 | UAW LOCAL 3212 (Dakkota Integrated Systems) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-009995 | United Auto Workers Local 282 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-009996 | United Autoworkers Local 282 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010026 | United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local Union No. 1887 (Tyco/ | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010039 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union, AFL- | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010121 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010461 | United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 136 (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010493 | United Auto Workers Local 110 (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010524 | United Auto Workers Local 691 (Lincoln) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010600 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Region 5 (Premier Manufa | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010657 | UAW Local 691 (SKF (Lincoln Industrial)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010685 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local No. 2250 (General | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010693 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 2250 (General Moto | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-010698 | United Auto Workers Local 2250 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-063772 | United Auto Workers Local 2250 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-073266 | Amalgamated Local 974 UAW (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-073286 | UAW 974 (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-074955 | United Auto Workers, Local 79 (John Deere Distribution Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-079870 | UAW- United Auto Workers (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-100964 | United Auto Workers, Local 543 (Airtex Products) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-113358 | Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 537 (UAW LETC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-117221 | United Auto Workers Local 710 (NITTO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-130233 | United Auto Workers, Local 170 (NITTO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-130704 | United Automobile Workers, Local 31 (General Motors (Fairfax)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-132172 | United Auto Workers Local 31 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-141069 | UAW LOCAL 282 (APPLIED FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-148417 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 2250 (GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-150973 | United Auto Workers Local 710(Syncreon) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-153104 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS 2250, AFL-CIO, CLC (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-153643 | United Auto Workers, Local 286 (Data Monitor Systems, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-154455 | United Auto Workers of America, Local No. 286 (Phoenix Management , Inc. | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-156294 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America and United Auto Workers, Local 249(Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-162599 | United Auto Workers Local 249 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-163598 | International Union, United Automobiles, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-166780 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-166783 | UAW, Local No. 249 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-172790 | United Auto Workers Local 31 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-177203 | United Autoworkers Local 2250 and United Autoworkers of America (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-177251 | United Autoworkers Local 2250 and United Autoworkers of America (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-177287 | United Autoworkers Local 2250 and United Autoworkers of America (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-177657 | UAW (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-178463 | International Union, Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-180217 | UAW Local 249 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-183049 | UAW Local 2250 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
14-CB-186300 | UAW, Local 282 (Challenge MFG, Holdings Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-005435 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Region 8 (Teledyne Conti | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-005761 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Bea | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-006041 | UAW Local 2166 (General Motors Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-006049 | International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW ( | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-006068 | International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-006074 | United Auto Workers, Local 2297 (Johnson Controls ) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-006111 | United Auto Workers, Local 1921 (Jacobs Technology ) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-062928 | United Auto Workers, Local 1921 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-074961 | United Autoworkers Local 2166 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-081904 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Johnson Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-084691 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL UNION #2297 (Johnson Controls) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-107543 | United Auto Workers Local 716(Ingersoll Rand d/b/a Trane) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-108413 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW) (Folgers Coffee Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-114706 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-117206 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO (UAW), Local 1921 (Jacobs Technology) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-171983 | United Auto Workers Local 3036 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-177868 | United Auto Workers Local 3036 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
15-CB-183192 | United Steelworkers, Local 9-00631-01 (Valero Memphis Refinery) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-006766 | UAW (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-006836 | United Autoworkers of America, Local 2360 (Daimler Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007787 | UAW Local 129 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007822 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 276 (General Motor | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007852 | UAW, Local 864 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007860 | UAW, Local 967 (L 3 Communication Integrated Systems, Greenville Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007862 | UAW Local 870 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007915 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007919 | UAW, Local 848 (Vought Aircraft) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007920 | UAW, Local 129 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007926 | United Auto Workers, Local 864 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007934 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007968 | UAW, Local 218 (Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-007981 | United Auto Workers Local 218 (Bell Helicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008021 | United Autoworkers, Local 864 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008031 | UAW, Local 848 (Vought Aircraft) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008040 | United Auto Workers Local 848 (Vought Aircraft Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008058 | UAW, LOCAL 14 (Android Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008096 | UAW, Local 218 (Bell Helicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008127 | UAW, Local 967 (L-3 Communications) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008141 | UAW, Local 218 (Bell Helicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008283 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers Of America, UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008299 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 967 (L-3 Com | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008322 | UAW, Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008342 | UAW, Local 129 (Ball Container Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-008347 | United Automobile, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 218 (Bell Helic | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-063089 | UAW, Region 5, Dallas Sub-Regional Office | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-063971 | UAW Local 129 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-064674 | UAW, Local 129 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-064872 | UNITED AUTOMOTIVE OF AMERICA LOCAL 129 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-066114 | UAW, Local Union 848 (Triumph Aerostructure) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-067776 | Lone Star Legal Aid Support Staff Union, National Organization of Legal Service Workers, Local 2320 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-078760 | UAW Local 864 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-079004 | UAW, LOCAL 129 (LEAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-082743 | United Automobile and Aerospace Workers of America Local 218 & The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-086999 | UAW Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-088653 | United Auto Workers, Local 967 (L-3 Communications) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-089995 | United Auto Workers, Local 967 (L3 Communications) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-091822 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 119 (Navistar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-092751 | United Auto Workers Union, Local 2360 (Dallas Mopar PDC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-093103 | United Auto Workers, Local 119 (Navistar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-094705 | UAW Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-098169 | U.A.W. Local 276 (General Motors Vehicle Manufacturing Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-098757 | UAW Local 218 (Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-099107 | UAW Local 2360 (Chrysler Mopar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-099989 | UAW Local 864 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-100083 | United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 276 (General Motors Vehicle Manufacturing Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-100518 | United Auto Workers, Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-100783 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 870 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-100877 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers Union, Local 2360 (Chrysler Mopar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-103798 | UAW Local 218 (Bell Hellicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-105943 | United Auto Workers, Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-108482 | United Auto Workers Union Local 267 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-109998 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-113794 | International, Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America and its Local 129 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-114804 | United Automobile Workers Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-117840 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 129 (Texstar LLC Aerospace) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-118065 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 129 (Texstar LLC Aerospace) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-118279 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 129 AND United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-127545 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 967 (L-3 Communications) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-129458 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 967 (L-3 Communications) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-130285 | United Auto Workers, Local 864 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-130476 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 218 (Bell Helicopter Textron) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-132939 | United Auto Workers, Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-133746 | International Union, United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 129 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-134236 | United Automotive Workers Local 129 (Integrated Manufacturing and Assembly (IAM)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-135778 | United Auto Workers Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-137836 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-144241 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 967 (L-3 Communications) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-149742 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 129 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-153103 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 276 UNIT 2 ARAMARK (Aramark) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-153348 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 129 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-154339 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-157955 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 218 (Bell Helicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-160892 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 218 (Bell Helicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-167356 | United Automobile Workers (Flex-N-Gate) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-175241 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 276 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
16-CB-176579 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local 276 (Aramark) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006013 | UAW Local 1999; UAW (GM) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006063 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 31 (General M | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006174 | UAW Local #710 (TNT Logistics North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006258 | United Auto Workers Local 282 (Griffco Quality Solutions) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006365 | United Auto Workers, Local 710 (Lear Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006386 | UAW Local 710 (CEVA Logistics) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006432 | U.A.W. INTERNATIONAL AND U.A.W. LOCAL 249 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006568 | United Auto Workers Local 249 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-006608 | United Auto Workers Local 31 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-060409 | United Automobile Workers, Local 249 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-062076 | UAW United Auto Workers - Local 710 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-064098 | United Auto Workers Local 249 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-092461 | UAW Local 31 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
17-CB-094266 | United Auto Workers, Local 710 (NITTO DENKO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004591 | United Autoworkers (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004600 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, and its Local Union No. | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004612 | United Autoworkers (Ford Motor Company Twin Cities Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004613 | United Autoworkers (Ford Motor Company Twin Cities Assembly Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004852 | United Auto Workers, Local 838 (John Deere) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004979 | United Auto Workers UAW (John Deere - Waterloo Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004983 | United Auto Workers (John Deere - Waterloo Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-004989 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local 450 UAW (Deere | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-076591 | UAW LOCAL 879 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-083736 | UAW LOCAL 838 AMALGAMATED (O'Neal Steel Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-091749 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKERS LOCAL 997 (Whirlpool Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-110902 | UAW LOCAL 1540 (Percival Scientific) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-111478 | UAW LOCAL 1540, SUBREGION 4 (Percival Scientific Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-123228 | UAW, Local 2183 (Enstrom Helicopter) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-126504 | UAW LOCAL 838 (John Deere Waterloo Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-140078 | UAW, Local 578 (Oshkosh Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-141860 | United Auto Workers Local 566 (L.E. Jones) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-142919 | United Autoworkers Local 578 (Oshkosh Truck Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-157886 | United Auto Workers, Local 9 (MillerCoors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
18-CB-180686 | United Auto Workers, Local 75 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
20-CB-013356 | United Auto Workers Local 2350 (SEIU Local 1000) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
20-CB-073307 | Northern United Legal Assistance Workers, National Organization of Legal Services Workers, Local 2320, United Auto Workers (UAW), AFL-CIO (Senior Legal Hotline/Legal Services of Northern California) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
20-CB-091049 | UAW Local 2350 (California State Employees Association/California State University Employee Union CSEA/CSUEU | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014241 | United Automotive, Aerospace, Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW, Local 509 (Monogram Ae | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014274 | United Auto Workers (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014649 | United Auto Workers, Local Union 509 (National Retail Transportation Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014678 | United Aerospace Workers, Local 148 (Boeing Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014683 | UAW Local 2350 (California State Employees Association (CSEA)-CSU Division/CS Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014721 | United Auto Workers Local 2350 (SEIU Local 1000) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014745 | United Automobile Workers, Local 887 (Boeing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014762 | Amalgamated Local Union 509, AFL-CIO (NRT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-014786 | United Automobile, Aerospace, Agriculture, Implement Workers of America (UAW) Local Union 509 (Monog | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015012 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 148 (The Boeing C | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015013 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015014 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015024 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015028 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015029 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015030 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015034 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-015035 | 1) International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-124184 | UAW, LOCAL 509 (National Retail Transportation, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-125258 | UNITED AUTOMOTIVE WORKERS, LOCAL 509 (Adel Wiggins Group) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
21-CB-141420 | UNITED AEROSPACE WORKERS UNION (UAW), LOCAL 148 (The Boeing Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-010087 | Local 2326 UAW, AFL-CIO (AD, AID Mountain and Dye Cutting Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-010198 | UAW Local 260 (Black Millwork Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-010586 | United Auto Workers, Local 2179 (American Direct Mail) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-010766 | NOLSW/UAW Local 2320 (Northeast New Jersey Legal Services) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-010865 | Local 2179, UAW (American Direct Mail Co., Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-010936 | United Auto Workers (General Motors) (General Motors/Linden Plant) (General Motors/Linden Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-079514 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 2326 (BMW NORTH AMERICA, INC. ) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-081088 | UAW LOCAL 2179 (CONTENT CRITICAL) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
22-CB-105342 | LOCAL NO. 2326 U.A.W. (L-3 SPACE & NAVIGATION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002386 | United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), International Union | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002464 | U.P.A.G.R.A. (Unión de Periodistas Artes Gráficas y Ramas Anexas) (Telemundo, Inc. de Puerto Rico) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002661 | United Auto Workers, Local 1850 (Asociacion de Empleados del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002677 | Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 494, AFL-CIO (International Union, Unit | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002691 | Union Internacional UAW (Asociacion de Empleados del ELA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002805 | United Auto Workers Union, Local 1850 (Asociacion de Empleados del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto R | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002817 | United Auto Workers, Local 3401 (Jose Santiago, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
24-CB-002824 | United Auto Workers (Suiza Dairy) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008820 | UAW, LOCAL 993 (ALLISON TRANSMISSION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008827 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 1405 (DANA CORP.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008848 | UAW, LOCAL 292 (DELPHI) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008860 | UAW, LOCAL 292 (DELPHI DELCO ELECTRONICS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008887 | UAW, LOCAL 2209 (GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008910 | UAW, LOCAL 685 (DAIMLER CHRYSLER KOKOMO TRANSMISSION PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008928 | UAW, LOCAL 2209 (GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-008954 | UAW (GENERAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009004 | UAW, LOCAL 685 (CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009020 | UAW, LOCAL 5 (AM GENERAL) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009181 | UAW INTERNATIONAL, REG. 3, LOCAL 685 (DAIMLER CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009182 | UAW INTERNATIONAL (DAIMLER CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009188 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA (Chr | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009191 | United Auto Workers, Local 685 (Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009241 | UAW Local 23 (General Motors Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009258 | UAW LOCAL 499 (ALLISON TRANSMISSION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009295 | INTERNATIONAL UAW, REGION 3 (METALDYNE) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009315 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR INTERNATIONAL) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009335 | UAW Local 1166 (Daimler-Chrysler Die Casting) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009336 | UAW Local 933 (Allison Transmission) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009341 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 1302 (Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009345 | UAW LOCAL 1111 (ACH) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009346 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL NO. 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009347 | United Auto Workers Union Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009348 | United Auto Workers Union Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009349 | United Auto Workers Union Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009350 | United Auto Workers Union Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009351 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009352 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL NO. 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009353 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009354 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009355 | United Auto Worker Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009356 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009357 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009358 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009359 | United Auto Worker Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009360 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009361 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009362 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009363 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009364 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009365 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009366 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009367 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009368 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009369 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009370 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009371 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009372 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009373 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009374 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009375 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009376 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009377 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009378 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009379 | United Auto Workers Local 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009380 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL NO 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009381 | United Auto Workers Local No. 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009382 | United Auto Workers Local No. 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009383 | United Auto Workers Local No. 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009384 | United Auto Workers Local No. 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009385 | United Auto Workers Local No. 98 (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009386 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009387 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009388 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009389 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009390 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009391 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009392 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009393 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009394 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009395 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009396 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009397 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009398 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009399 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009400 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009401 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009402 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009403 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009404 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009405 | UAW, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009406 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009407 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009408 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009409 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009410 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009411 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009412 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009413 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009414 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009415 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009416 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009417 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009418 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009419 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009420 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009421 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009422 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009423 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009424 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009425 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009426 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009427 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009428 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009429 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009430 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009431 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009432 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009433 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009434 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009435 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009436 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009437 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009438 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009439 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009440 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009441 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVASTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009442 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009443 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009444 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009445 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009446 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009447 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009448 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009449 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009450 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009451 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009452 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009453 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009454 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009455 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009456 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009457 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009458 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009459 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009460 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009461 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009462 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009463 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009464 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009465 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009466 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009467 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009468 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009469 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009474 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009475 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009476 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009477 | NAVISTAR INC. (NAVISTAR INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009478 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009479 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009480 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009481 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009482 | NAVISTAR INC. (NAVISTAR INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009483 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009484 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009485 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009486 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009487 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009488 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009489 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009490 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009491 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009492 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009493 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009494 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009495 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009496 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009497 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009498 | United Auto Workers (Navistar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009499 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009500 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL NO. 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009501 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009502 | UNITED AUTO WORKRES LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009503 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009504 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009505 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009506 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009507 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009508 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009509 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009510 | UAW, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009511 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009512 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009513 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009514 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009515 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009516 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009517 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009518 | UAW, LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009519 | UAW LOCAL 98 (NAVISTAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009541 | UAW REGION NO. 3 (ALLISON ROLLS ROYCE) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009542 | UAW, Local 9 (Honeywell International) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009561 | UAW Local 977 (General Motors, LLC Power Train and Fabricating) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009567 | UAW Local 685 (Chrysler Transmission Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009568 | (UAW) United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implant Workers of America (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009570 | International Association of Machinists, Local 2410 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009575 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agriculture Workers of America (General Motors | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009592 | UAW Local 23 (General Motors Metal Fabrication) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009626 | Teamsters Local 135 (UPS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009629 | UAW Local 977 (General Motors Marion Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-009636 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agriculture Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-065072 | UAW Local 977 (General Motors Marion Stamping Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066000 | UAW LOCAL 977( GENERAL MOTORS MARION STAMPING PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066131 | UAW LOCAL 2911 (NAVISTAR INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066187 | UAW Region 3 (Navistar International, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066547 | UAW LOCAL 933(ALLISON TRANSMISSION, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066606 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066642 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ALLISON TRANSMISSION, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066645 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ALLISON TRANSMISSION, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-066655 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-068171 | UAW Local (Rolls Royce) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-069594 | UAW Local 685 (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-069902 | UAW LOCAL 685 (CHRYSLER KOKOMO TRANSMISSION PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-071815 | UAW Local 2209 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-074836 | UAW LOCAL 1166 (CHRYSLER KOKOMO CASTING PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-080459 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ROLLS ROYCE) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-083985 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, REGION 3 (GENERAL MOTORS, NORTH AMERICAN TRUCK & BUS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-088210 | UAW Local 565 (Cast Technologies) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-088493 | UAW Local 565 (Cast Technologies) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-091752 | UAW Region 4 (HCC, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-092678 | UAW/DETROIT MI LOCAL 3050 (AUTOCAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-093892 | UAW Local 751 (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-097101 | UAW LOCAL 933 (PROFESSIONAL MAINTENANCE METHODS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-097708 | United Auto Workers, Local No. 803 (GKN Rockford, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-101169 | UAW Local #1268 (Chrysler Belvidere) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-101921 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 685 (CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-105251 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS. INTERNATIONAL UNION (GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-105263 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, REGION 2B (GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-109480 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS INTERNATIONAL UNION (CATERPILLAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-110722 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 685 (CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-111251 | UAW LOCAL 685 (CHRYSLER, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-120165 | United Auto Workers, Local 1896 (Sears Manufacturing Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-120781 | UAW 292 (GENERAL MOTORS COMPONENTS HOLDINGS, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-120907 | UAW Local 1896 (Sears Manufacturing Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-122079 | UAW LOCAL 977 (GENERAL MOTORS MARION STAMPING PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-123402 | UAW LOCAL 5 (AM GENERAL H1 PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-123838 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 3059 (PITTSBURGH GLASS WORKS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-126717 | UAW (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-129268 | UAW LOCAL 1166 (CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-130204 | UAW Local 2488 United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America (Mitsubishi Motors of North America) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-132591 | Amalgamated Local 974 UAW (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-132950 | LOCAL UAW 685 (CHRYSLER ITP 2) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-135306 | UAW Local 803 (DKN Rockford, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-136447 | UAW Local 1268 (Tri Dim Filter Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-136851 | UAW, Local 434 (John Deere Seeding Group) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-137144 | UAW, Local 1268 (Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-142055 | UAW, LOCAL 974 (CATERPILLAR, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-142991 | UAW 1268 (SYNCREON - US) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-143822 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL UNION 1268 (SYNCREON USA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-144068 | UAW LOCAL 3046 (JOHNSON CONTROLS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-146635 | UAW LOCAL 2209 (ANDROID INDUSTRIES, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-146828 | UAW LOCAL 3046 (JOHNSON CONTROLS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-150751 | UAW International (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-152234 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL NO 803 (GKN ROCKFORD, INC). | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-152576 | UAW Local 1268 (FCA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-152716 | UAW LOCAL 3046 (JOHNSON CONTROLS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-156274 | UAW LOCAL 2488 (MITSUBISHI MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-157702 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ALLISON TRANSMISSION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-157780 | UAW LOCAL 2209 (GENERAL MOTORS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-163101 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ALLISON TRANSMISSION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-163143 | UAW LOCAL 933 (ALLISON TRANSMISSION, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-163147 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL 1949 (FEDERAL MOGUL CORP.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-163978 | UAW LOCAL 2488, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO/MITSUBISHI MOTORS OF NORTH AMERICA | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-165938 | United Auto Workers, Local 2488 (Mitsubishi Motors of North America, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-165978 | UAW, LOCAL 685 (CHYSLER KOKOMO TRANSMISSION PLANT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-166141 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS, LOCAL NO. 803 (GKN ROCKFORD, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-168565 | UAW LOCAL 2209(CARAVAN FACILITIES MANAGEMENT) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-169687 | UAW Local 2209 (CARAVAN FACILITIES MANAGEMENT, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-170667 | UAW 685 (Chrysler Kokomo Transmission-Chrysler LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-170870 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS (LEAR) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-170933 | UAW, LOCAL 685 (CHRYSLER FCA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-172675 | United Auto Workers Local 803 (GKN Rockford, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-172804 | UAW Local Union 933 (Allison Transmission) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-173011 | United Autoworkers Local 974 (UAW Senior Citizens Center) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-173219 | UAW LOCAL 2277 (GENERAL PRODUCTS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-173716 | UAW Local Union 933(ALLISON TRANSMISSION) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-174955 | UAW INTERNATIONAL UNION (HONEYWELL, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-174998 | UAW LOCAL 9 (HONEYWELL, INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-175287 | UAW LOCAL 3053 (THYSSEN KRUPP PRESTA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-179713 | United Auto Workers Local 292 (GM Components Holding) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-179981 | UAW, Local 977 (General Motors-Metal Fab Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-180711 | UAW Local 9 (Honeywell International, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-181913 | UAW LOCAL 1166 (FIAT CHRYSLER) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-182186 | UAW Local 974 (Caterpillar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-182864 | UAW, Local 685 (CHRYSLER ITP 1) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-183930 | UAW LOCAL 292 (GENERAL MOTORS COMPONENTS HOLDINGS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-185286 | International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Local 3053 (ThyssenKrupp Presta North America, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
25-CB-186203 | UAW Local 1166 (FCA US KOKOMO CASTING) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-004546 | UAW Local 1853 and/or the UAW International Union and certain of their representatives (Saturn Corpo | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-004551 | United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Workers of America International Union (UAW) (General Mo | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-004570 | UAW, Local 6519 (Cochran Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-004597 | Local 6519, United Auto Workers (Southern Cotton Oil Co.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-004972 | International Union, UAW (Local 737, Nashville Glass Plant Unit)(Visteon Corporation, Ford Motor Com | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-004993 | UAW Local 1000 (Kohler Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005014 | United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Local 3031 (Penske L | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005043 | UAW Local 3036 (Ford Motor Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005067 | United Auto Workers (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005133 | Local 1853, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005147 | International Union United Automobile Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005199 | United Auto Workers Union Local 2406 (General Motors Service Parts Operation-Memphis) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005200 | United Auto Workers and UAW Local 2406 (Daimler Trucks NA, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005202 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricutlural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005204 | United Auto Workers Local 2406 (General Motors CCA (formerly General Motors Service Parts Operation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005208 | Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 2001 (United Auto Workers Local 1853) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
26-CB-005222 | United Auto Workers Local 2406 (General Motors Memphis Customer Care and Aftersales) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
27-CB-087285 | United Automotive Workers of America, Local 431 (General Motors, Aurora SPO) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
27-CB-126080 | UAW Local 431 (General Motors CCA) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
28-CB-006992 | Unite Here! (Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
28-CB-144872 | United Automobile Workers Local 509 (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Group) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-014154 | Local 2320, United Auto Workers, AFL-CIO (Queens Legal Services ) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-014172 | Local 365, UAW (Standard Motor Products, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-014290 | Local 259, UAW (Hyundai of Valley Stream) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-014313 | Local 74, Service Employees International Union (Mt. Carmel Cemetery) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-014696 | UAW, Local 2179 (Jos. H. Lowenstein & Sons, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-014706 | UAW, Local 2179 (Jos. H. Lowenstein & Sons, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-106785 | Local 259 United Auto Workers (Premier Ford Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-112249 | Local 74, United Service Workers Union, IJUAT (Mount Carmel Cemetery) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-113169 | United Auto Workers Union, Local 259, AFL-CIO (East Hills Chrysler Dodge) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-148800 | UAW Local 2179 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
29-CB-153983 | United Auto Workers , Local 2179 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005039 | United Autoworkers, Local 72 (Daimler Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005046 | International Union, United Autoworkers (Daimler Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005073 | United Auto Workers, Local 95 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005082 | UAW, Local 180 (CNH) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005083 | UAW Local 180 (CNH Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005230 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005281 | United Auto Workers, Local 72 (Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005319 | UAW Local 72 (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005348 | United Auto Workers (Delco Electronic Systems Delphi) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005351 | United Auto Workers (Delco Electronic Systems (Delphi)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005362 | United Auto Worker Union (UAW) (Delphi Electronics & Safety) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005377 | UAW, Local 833 (Kohler Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005381 | Local 1527 United Steel Workers Sub District 2 United Steel Workers (Rexnord) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005439 | United Auto Workers, Local 95 (Alcoa Wheel Products) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005440 | United Auto Workers Local 72 and Int'l Union UAW(Chrysler, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005463 | UAW Local 1548 (Cook Composites & Polymers) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005486 | UAW 1472 (Vollrath LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005500 | United Auto Workers, Local 75 (Chrysler Mopar) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005519 | United Auto Workers, Local 72 (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005559 | UAW, Local 413 (Lloyd Flanders) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005564 | United Auto Workers Local 578 (Oshkosh Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005565 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005566 | Brewery Workers Local 9, UAW (Amalgamated) AFL-CIO (MillerCoors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005571 | United Auto Workers Local 72 (Chrysler Kenosha Engine Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005573 | United Auto Workers, Local 72, Region 4 (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005574 | UAW Local #9 (Miller Coors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005576 | United Auto Workers, Local 72 (Chrysler Engine Plant) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005578 | UAW, Local 413 (Lloyd Flanders) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005592 | UAW Local #9 (Miller Coors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005593 | United Auto Workers, Local 1576 (Cotta Transmission) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005620 | United Auto Workers, Local 72 (The Chrysler Group LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005623 | United Auto Workers, Local 72 (The Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005626 | United Auto Workers, Local 578 (Oshkosh Truck Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005654 | United Auto Workers , Local 72 (The Chrysler Group, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-005659 | United Auto Workers, Local 578 (Oshkosh Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-065796 | UAW, Local 578 (Oshkosh Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-066833 | UAW Local 413 (Lloyd Flanders Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-073317 | UAW Local 95 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-078561 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 180 (CNH) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-081229 | INTERNATIONAL UNION, UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE & AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 1472 (Vollrath LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-085534 | United Auto Workers, Local 469 (MasterLock) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-090143 | UAW Local 95 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-092172 | UAW Local 1102 (Paper Converting Machine Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-095244 | UNITED AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA, LOCAL 180 (Case New Holland) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
30-CB-104753 | Agricultural Implement Dept UAW (CNH) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-012428 | United Aerospace Workers Local 887 (The Boeing Company) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-012869 | United Auto Workers, Local 6645 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-012985 | United Auto Workers Local 509 (Chrysler-Mercedes Benz) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-013001 | United Auto Workers, Solidarity House International Union (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-013039 | UAW Local 887 (Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-064686 | United Auto Workers Local 509 (Chrysler-Mercedes Benz) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-066357 | United Auto Workers of America-UAW, Local 6645 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-075869 | United Auto Workers Local 509 and Sub-Regional Office (Chrysler-Mercedes Benz) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-082474 | United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 6645 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-098887 | United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 6645 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-129687 | United Auto Workers Local 6645 (General Motors) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
31-CB-148841 | International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
32-CB-006303 | United Auto Workers (Local 2244) (New United Motors (NUMI) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
32-CB-006624 | United Auto Workers, Local 2244 (New United Motros Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
32-CB-006638 | UAW, Region 5 (New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
32-CB-006737 | United Autoworkers Local 2244 (New United Motors Manufacturing Inc. (NUMMI)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
32-CB-006787 | United Auto Workers Local 2244 (New United Motors (NUMMI)) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
32-CB-006814 | United Auto Workers Union Local 76 (Exel Incorporated) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
32-CB-085309 | Office and Professional Employees Int'l Union Local No. 537 (United Auto Workers-LETC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004194 | Local 751, UAW (Caterpillar, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004211 | UAW, LOCAL 94 (JOHN DEERE DUBUQUE WORKS) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004217 | International Union, UAW and its Local 1268 (Daimler-Chrysler-Belvidere Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004235 | International Union, UAW & Local Union 1268 (Daimler-Chrysler Belvidere Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004253 | UAW LOCAL 974 (CATERPILLAR INC.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004261 | UAW LOCAL 904 (HCC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004287 | UAW Local 865 (John Deere) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004293 | UAW Local 1268 (Android Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004303 | United Auto Workers Local 281 (John Deere Davenport Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004308 | UAW LOCAL 904 (HCC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004347 | UAW Local 974 (Caterpillar Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004355 | UAW, Local 1268 (Chrysler Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004365 | UAW LOCAL 1948 (DANA HOLDING COMPANY) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004409 | UAW Local 281 (John Deere Davenport Works Construction and Forestry Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004410 | United Auto Workers, Local 718 (Gunite Corporation) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004416 | UAW Local 1268 (Chrysler) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004418 | UAW Local 281 (John Deere Davenport Works) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004422 | UAW Region 4 (Freight Car Services Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004423 | UAW Local 2419 (FreightCar America, Inc.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004432 | United Auto Workers Local 1268 (Android Industries) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
33-CB-004437 | United Autoworkers Local 2128 (Thyssen Krupp Forging Division) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-002772 | MDA/UAW Local 571 (Electric Boat Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-002775 | MDA/UAW, Local 571 (ELECTRIC BOAT CORP.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-002776 | MDA/UAW, LOCAL 571 (ELECTRIC BOAT CORP.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-002893 | UNITED AUTO WORKERS LOCAL 376 (Colt Defense, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-003036 | UAW Local 376 (Colt's Manufacturing) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-003061 | UAW Local 376 (Colt's Defense, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-003119 | United Auto Workers, Amalgamated Local 712 (Theis Precision Steel, Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-003152 | MDA/UAW, Local 571 (Electric Boat Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-003200 | UAWMLocal 376 (Colt Defense, LLC) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-068038 | UAW LOCAL 376 | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-073773 | United Auto Workers, Local 376 (Community Renewal Team) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
34-CB-080452 | UAW Local 571 (Electric Boat Corp.) | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
36-CB-002763 | International Union of United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, | 8(b)(1)(A) Duty of Fair Representation, incl'g Superseniority, denial of access |
Source: National Labor Relations Board